Public libraries in England: basic dataset
A basic dataset of public libraries in England (as on 1 July 2016)
The Taskforce was active between 2015 to 2020.
The Arts Council now maintains the basic library dataset and this is published annually. You can view the latest dataset or search for previous years
The basic dataset provides information on public libraries in England from the Libraries Taskforce. It shows the number of static libraries in England (statutory and non-statutory) as at 1 July 2016.
The extended basic dataset also includes the type of library, the number of hours open as well as libraries that were temporarily closed, on 1 July, for example for refurbishment. The definitions for types of libraries used in the dataset are attached for reference. They may be different to those in other sources.
This dataset was validated by all 151 library services in England, but handling this quantity of data means the occasional error is possible. If you spot any errors or missing information, please email
Whilst collating this dataset, the Taskforce also obtained some information on mobile libraries. As the information provided was incomplete, and also did not allow for meaningful comparisons between councils (for example, the number of routes and stops may be recorded weekly, fortnightly, monthly or annually), it has not been published. If you wish to know more about this information, please email