Pupil premium: allocations and conditions of grant 2025 to 2026
Published allocations and conditions of grant for the 2025 to 2026 financial year
Applies to England
Pupil premium (PP) grant provides additional funding for state-funded schools in England to raise the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Schools and local authorities must follow the terms and conditions set out in the PP conditions of grant.
We have now published the initial pupil premium grant allocations 2025 to 2026.
The school level pupil premium allocations published on GOV.UK are only the deprivation FSM6 element of the allocations and do not include the pupils listed below as this data is suppressed due to data protection guidelines:
- looked-after children (LAC), including previously looked-after children (PLAC)
- pupils recorded on the alternative provision (AP) census as receiving free school meals
- service children
- general hospital school pupils
We’ve uploaded a statement in Document exchange for each academy trust showing the unsuppressed initial pupil premium allocations for the academies in each trust. Statements can be viewed and downloaded from the ‘Documents received from ESFA’ section when signing in to Document exchange with your academy trust UKPRN account details in DfE sign-in.
Note these inital allocations do not include pupil referral units (PRUs) and alternative provision (AP) academies which were formerly PRUs. We will include these in the next allocations update in June 2025.
If you do not have access to Document exchange as an academy trust user, please contact the relevant DfE Sign-in approver within your trust organisation, who will be able to set up trust level access for you. If you experience any issues accessing DfE Sign-In, please contact the DfE sign in help desk.
Schools can confirm the names of individual pupils included in the allocation via the Get Information About Pupils (GIAP) site. GIAP can be accessed via DFE sign in.