Pupil premium: allocations and conditions of grant 2016 to 2017
Pupil premium funding allocations and conditions of grant for the financial year 2016 to 2017.
Applies to England
We calculate final funding allocation tables using:
- January 2016 school census data
- looked-after children numbers from the March 2015 children looked after return (also known as SSDA903)
The ‘Pupil premium 2016 to 2017: conditions of grant’ show the conditions that academies and local authorities must meet to receive the pupil premium.
Read more guidance on the pupil premium, including how schools should spend it and how we hold them accountable.
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.
Updates to this page
Added ‘Pupil premium 2016 to 2017: local-authority- and parliamentary-constituency-level allocations’ and ‘Pupil premium 2016 to 2017: school-level allocations’ documents to show data up to March 2017.
Updated the conditions of grant to include dates of payments of pupil premium grant to academies and free schools.
Updated both pupil premium final allocation tables.
Added 2016 to 2017 pupil premium allocations.
First published.