PYRAMID Programme
Information about the PYRAMID Programme, established to achieve technology advantage through rapid adaptability for current and future air platforms by adopting a modular open avionics architecture.

PYRAMID Programme
PYRAMID reference architecture
Exploitation and the PYRAMID Industry Advisory Group (IAG)
International alignment
PYRAMID documentation
Support for adoption
Contact us
PYRAMID Programme
The United Kingdom (UK) Ministry of Defence (MOD) has recognised that mission systems software is becoming ever more complex and expensive to develop.
Technological advances mean software must be rapidly adapted to respond to evolving threats and capability needs. The UK MOD has developed a reusable and open avionics system reference architecture; applicable for both legacy and future air platforms. Known as PYRAMID, this approach will make upgrades more rapid and reduce software maintenance costs.
The PYRAMID programme introduces a paradigm shift to the current method of avionic systems design and maintenance. PYRAMID aims to make legacy and future air mission systems affordable, capable, and adaptable by adoption of an open systems architecture approach and systematic software re-use.
Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Knighton’s ambition is for PYRAMID adoption across all of our air platforms as an enabler towards achieving rapid adaptability and effective collaboration.
CAS 2023 review and endorsement of the PYRAMID Programme
Video: CAS 2023 Review and Endorsement of the PYRAMID Programme
An introduction to PYRAMID
Video: An Introduction to PYRAMID
The focus of the programme has been to develop the core PYRAMID Reference Architecture (PRA). Previously, mission systems software was bespoke to each air platform and was not designed to be compatible with the wider platform portfolio. PYRAMID aims to break this mould, allowing each software component to be compatible with other platforms that have adopted the PRA. PYRAMID is anticipated to provide significant benefits for both the UK and our allies, including:
- rapid adaptability and capability evolution
- increased potential for re-use of software artefacts
- decreased integration times of new capabilities
- reduced impact of obsolescence
- enhanced collaboration with allies and partners
To realise this huge potential, the UK MOD has made a significant investment in PYRAMID. Sponsored by the Royal Air Force’s Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO), PYRAMID is a key element of the UK Combat Air Strategy. The 2023 Defence Command Paper also recognises the importance of the adoption of Open Systems and PYRAMID. Defence Command Paper 2023: Defence’s response to a more contested and volatile world
A vision was developed for the PYRAMID programme to achieve these long-term aspirations. This was broken down into four distinct areas: Adoption, Governance, Marketing and Promotion, Skills and their attributes. The PYRAMID Vision also provides a focus for the PYRAMID Programme Delivery.
- widely adopted architecture of choice for software
- international Open System Architecture (OSA) alignment
- open and competitive marketplace
- adaptable and rapid response to threats
- reduced costs and time to deployment
- PYRAMID owned by UK MOD
- governed by a management agency led by UK MOD
- enables shared benefits and efficient certification
- controlled access to a digital support environment
- component proprietary to remain with developer
Marketing and promotion
- promote as best practise on a global scale
- work with selected international partners
- evidence-based demonstrations and successes
- sustainable pool of skilled engineers
- affordable training pipeline
- flexible engineering workforce
To maximise exploitability, the PYRAMID solution has been designed to be:
- resilient against obsolescence
- scalable
- flight certifiable
- security accreditable
- configurable
- provide utility across the full range of air mission requirements
PYRAMID reference architecture
Underpinning PYRAMID is the PYRAMID Reference Architecture (PRA) that was developed using rigorous Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) principles. The PRA is a component-based architecture where the component definitions include roles, responsibilities, and well-defined interfaces. The PRA also includes compliance rules to follow when building mission system deployments that cover the full range of legacy and future aircraft types, roles and mission phases.
PRA Issue 4.1 Component Set and Super Domains
The PRA, guidance and compliance rules are documented in the ‘PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack’ and can be found at the links in the PYRAMID Documentation section. The pack provides all the information required when developing PYRAMID-based systems.
Alongside the PRA, the programme has de-risked the technical solution through the development and demonstration of PYRAMID-compliant architectures and software components. The programme used the expertise and experience of more than 200 system and software engineers; and, although led by BAE Systems, the team has included specialists from across the UK’s avionics industry.
The first phase of the CESTIUS project that was won by GDUK following an open competition validated the openness and usability of PYRAMID. GDUK independently developed a component using the PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack and collaborated with BAE Systems to successfully configure and integrate it into their PYRAMID demonstrator system. This provided an evaluation of the technical approach with GDUK acting as a component supplier and BAE Systems the system integrator.
Exploitation and the PYRAMID Industry Advisory Group (IAG)
Delivering the benefits of PYRAMID requires effective exploitation across national and international acquisition programmes. The UK MOD are supporting this through the provision of training, targeted briefings, and engineering support. There are an increasing number of organisations that have undertaken the PYRAMID training and are developing PYRAMID compliant software within their programmes.
The second phase of the CESTIUS project provided further validation of PYRAMID where GDUK re-engineered their Stores Management System using the PYRAMID approach. This validation exercise has given the UK MOD and industry further assurance that the PRA is mature and ready to be adopted but also can be applied to legacy systems and subsystems.
UK industry established the PYRAMID Industry Advisory Group (IAG) to work together as an exploitation community, to discuss developments, and provide a single source of feedback to the UK MOD. If you are interested in joining this forum, please get in touch with us via the ‘contact us’ section at the bottom of the page and we will forward your request to the IAG Chair.
International alignment
A key consideration has been ensuring that the PYRAMID approach is aligned with the modular open systems initiatives of our partners and allies.
In support of this, collaborative programmes have been established with the US and across NATO to share information regarding our national approaches and projects, and this has demonstrated close alignment of strategies and approaches.
More specifically, a joint demonstration activity between the UK and the US Army included the integration of a PYRAMID component into a US Army demonstrator and a US Army software component into a PYRAMID demonstrator. This showed that even where the execution platforms were different capability could be exchanged and integrated far more rapidly and effectively than would have been the approach with traditional software approaches.
Further to this, detailed analysis of the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) approach has shown that not only is PYRAMID compatible with FACE but the two approaches are complimentary; a very important conclusion for future joint programmes.
PYRAMID documentation
A key goal of the PYRAMID programme is to maximise adoption on both a national and international level. To achieve this, the PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack has been produced for use by system integrators and component suppliers across industry; and government staff responsible for the acquisition of PYRAMID-compliant products. The PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack Version 4.1 main document introduces and defines the scope of PYRAMID and includes several Annexes:
- PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack version 4.1 Annex A - PRA Description Document - The PRA Description Document details the scope of the architecture, the component specifications, the policies of the architecture, and examples (called Interaction Views) of how the components could be connected together.
- PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack version 4.1 Annex B - Deployment Guide - The Deployment Guide provides guidance to engineers on what to consider when developing a PYRAMID based system and how this may compare to more traditional development processes.
- PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack version 4.1 Annex C - Compliance Guide - The Compliance Guide provides the rules to be followed to achieve PYRAMID compliance on a component level and on a deployment level; including methods and templates for reporting compliance.
- PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack version 4.1 Annex D - Glossary - The Glossary provides definitions for terms used within the Exploiter’s Pack.
- PRA Model - This was developed using MBSE techniques using the PTC Integrity Modeler (now Windchill Modeller) toolset. This model is also available with the PYRAMID Exploiter’s Pack along with HTML and XMI exports. For access please get in touch with us via the ‘contact us’ section at the bottom of the page.
Support for adoption
The PYRAMID programme also offers a query service via the PYRAMID Mailbox to aid adoption. Known as the PYRAMID Query Management Service, it provides a process for prospective exploiters, adopting programmes, and other stakeholders to raise queries, submit requests for support and gain access to PYRAMID training.
Contact us
If you are interested in learning more about the programme or would like to submit a query, request support, or access PYRAMID training, please use the email address below to get in touch.
PYRAMID Mailbox: