
Q fever: information for farmers

Updated 10 April 2024

This information sheet provides general advice on Q (Query) fever for farmers, farm workers and others involved with farm livestock, both for their own personal protection and to reduce health risks to the wider population.


Q fever is caused by a type of bacterium found in domesticated and wild animals throughout the world. It is an important zoonosis – an animal infection that can cause illness in people, particularly those working with livestock.

Q fever in animals

Signs of disease are very uncommon but abortions (including large outbreaks) may occur in cattle, sheep and goats. The Q fever bacterium is unusual because it survives in the environment for many months as an infectious spore-like form that is resistant to heat, drying and disinfection. It is difficult to prevent animals becoming infected and there are no formal control programmes in the UK. There is a vaccine for use in livestock in the UK.

Q fever in people

Infection usually results from inhaling the bacterium on dust particles contaminated with animal birth products (such as afterbirths), dung or urine. Animal hides, wool or fur are other potential sources and abattoir workers are at particular risk. Very occasionally, outbreaks occur in urban areas, usually caused by windborne spread from nearby livestock premises. Infection can also be acquired via contact with infected materials through skin abrasions or, very rarely, from tick bites. Current evidence suggests that consumption of unpasteurised milk may pose a risk of acquiring Q fever, as well as being a risk for other infectious diseases (1).

Symptomatic Q fever infection in humans is rare in the UK, even among animal workers. Most people who are infected have no or only mild symptoms, but very rarely serious illness occurs. Symptoms appear 2 to 3 weeks after exposure and include a flu-like illness with prolonged fever (2 weeks or more), tiredness, headache, muscle pains and occasionally pneumonia, infection of the liver or other complications. Some people develop a long-term illness, with symptoms persisting for more than 6 months. Infection during pregnancy may have an adverse effect on the developing foetus, including premature birth, low birth weight, or abortion. Rarely, infection of heart valves or blood vessels may occur, generally in people with existing heart disease or those who have had surgery on their heart of blood vessels.

Avoiding human infection on farms

Working with animals inevitably involves close contact with contaminated material so good personal hygiene is very important. Relevant regulations (2) require farmers to adopt appropriate measures to minimise exposure of employees and farm visitors to zoonoses, like Q fever. Farmers should inform their workers/staff about the possible risks and precautions while working with livestock. To reduce the risk of catching Q fever:

  • wash hands thoroughly several times a day (especially if grossly contaminated) and always before eating, smoking and after finishing work for the day

  • wash skin wounds immediately with soap and running water and cover with a waterproof dressing

  • treat potentially infected animal tissues, such as afterbirths and aborted lambs, with care. Handle with waterproof gloves

  • use extra personal protective equipment (including facemasks and goggles) for high-risk activities, such as when handling abortions during confirmed Q fever outbreaks, using a pressure washer in lambing sheds, or working in very dusty livestock areas (3).

  • store protective clothing separately from work clothing and do not wear contaminated or dusty work clothing at home

  • use disposable facemasks that conform to EN149-FFP2 standards

  • avoid eating or smoking in animal areas

  • use appropriate protective clothing and tick repellents if exposure to ticks is unavoidable

  • check the entire body daily and promptly remove any attached ticks

Pregnant women should avoid close contact with sheep and goats during the lambing and kidding season. As other livestock and domestic animals also pose a hazard for Q fever, pregnant women should also avoid exposure to cattle and cats that are giving birth, or in the post-partum period. More advice for pregnant women, see Pregnancy: advice on contact with animals that are giving birth.

Reduce human and animal health risks through good farm practices

To reduce the risk of Q fever infections:

  • maintain a closed flock or herd, but if not possible then quarantine and carefully observe replacements for 3 to 4 weeks before introduction

  • investigate farm abortion and stillbirth outbreaks and consult your veterinary surgeon as appropriate

  • isolate aborted animals until discharges stop and restrict access by animals and people where possible

  • control airborne spread of the bacterium by minimising the generation of dust and aerosols where possible

  • be aware that contaminated dust and aerosols can be spread by ventilation systems expelling air from livestock buildings into areas frequented by workers

  • treat soiled bedding removed from buildings where birth and abortions have occurred as a potentially high risk contaminated waste product

  • promptly remove all afterbirths, aborted and stillborn lambs, kids, calves and heavily contaminated litter and disposed of them in accordance with Animal By-Products Regulations, preferably by incineration

  • dampen down surfaces before using a high-pressure hose after mucking out - this reduces the production of fine aerosols

  • disinfect surfaces: although the Q fever bacterium is not susceptible to common farm disinfectants, the disinfectants can still help to control other important diseases

  • avoid cleaning out buildings and moving soiled bedding on windy days, and take care to avoid spillage, particularly onto public roads or footpaths

  • do not burn bedding on a bonfire because it may increase the risk of aerosol spread, especially in windy weather

  • compost bedding in a stack well away from livestock for several weeks followed by turning the exposed surface inwards and allowing it to heat up for several more weeks

  • stack and compost manure for at least 3 months, and then spread it onto arable land well away from people or livestock.

  • do not sell manure directly to the public or use on allotments or gardens

  • practice good vermin control; keep dogs and cats away from abortion material and parturition products

  • control ticks and other parasites on livestock

  • consider restriction of visitors to the farm

You can seek further advice from your local health protection team.


1: Gale P and others. Fever through consumption of unpasteurised milk and milk products – a risk profile and exposure assessment Journal of Applied Microbiology 2015: volume 118, issue 5, pages 1,083 to 1,095 (viewed on 1 February 2024)

2: ‘Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002’, as amended; the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR) and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 

3: Respiratory protective equipment at work: A practical guide. Health and Safety Executive (viewed on 1 February 2024).  

Useful websites

Q fever infections in humans: sources, transmission, treatment (

Q fever: background information ( 

This document was prepared by Public Health England, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Animal and Plant Health Agency, Department of Health, Public Health Wales and the Food Standards Agency on behalf of the HAIRS group. It was updated by the UK Health Security Agency in 2023