Research and analysis

Antenatal and newborn screening KPI data: Q4 summary factsheets (1 January to 31 March 2024)

Published 12 September 2024

Applies to England

This report should be read in conjunction with the full KPI data tables published each quarter.

1. Fetal anomaly screening

1.1 KPI FA2: coverage: fetal anomaly ultrasound

National performance of FA2 (see standard FASP-SO2) in quarter 3 2023 to 2024 was 98.6%. FA2 is collected 6 months (2 quarters) in arrears.

Quarter 3 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 3 2023 to 2024 131,157 133,014 98.6%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.2%
London 97.8%
Midlands 98.7%
North East and Yorkshire 99.0%
North West 99.0%
South East 98.4%
South West 98.6%
England 98.6%

1.2 KPI FA3

There is no intention to publish FA3 (see standard FASP-S01) by individual maternity service.

1.3 KPI FA4: combined samples

FA4 (see standard FASP-SO6) was introduced in 2020 to 2021. New KPIs are not published in the first year of data collection. This time is used to improve the data quality and completeness, by revising the definition, adding clarity and / or setting thresholds as required.

In quarter 4 2023 to 2024, national performance of FA4 for inadequate combined samples was 3.8%. FA4 is a KPI where a lower performance is better.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 4,091 107,126 3.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 2.9%
London 1.3%
Midlands 4.6%
North East and Yorkshire 6.3%
North West 4.4%
South East 4.5%
South West 3.1%
England 3.8%

1.4 KPI FA4: quadruple samples

FA4 (see standard FASP-SO6) was introduced in 2020 to 2021. New KPIs are not published in the first year of data collection. This time is used to improve the data quality and completeness, by revising the definition, adding clarity and / or setting thresholds as required.

In quarter 4 2023 to 2024, national performance of FA4 for inadequate quadruple samples was 7.8%. FA4 is a KPI where a lower performance is better.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 1,089 13,963 7.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 5.9%
London 3.1%
Midlands 6.5%
North East and Yorkshire 13.5%
North West 6.1%
South East 11.5%
South West 18.5%
England 7.8%

2. Infectious diseases in pregnancy screening

2.1 KPI ID1: HIV coverage

National performance of ID1 (see standard IDPS-S01) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 99.8%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 162,069 162,371 99.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.8%
London 99.9%
Midlands 99.8%
North East and Yorkshire 99.8%
North West 99.8%
South East 99.8%
South West 99.6%
England 99.8%

2.2 KPI ID2: diagnosis/intervention: timely assessment of women with hepatitis B

National performance of ID2 (see standard IDPS-S06) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 71.9%. The submission of data for ID2 has changed in 2023 to 2024 from maternity service self-reporting to the Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service (ISOSS) to improve consistency and accuracy of data returns. This has led to an expected reduction in performance as a result of more accurate data, and does not reflect a change in practice for screening providers.

ID2 is a small number KPI, therefore the data should be interpreted with caution.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 110 153 71.9%
Region Performance %
East of England 66.7%
London 79.5%
Midlands 66.7%
North East and Yorkshire 65.2%
North West 81.2%
South East 78.6%
South West 61.5%
England 71.9%

2.3 KPI ID3: coverage: hepatitis B

National performance of ID3 (see standard IDPS-S02) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 99.8%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 162,067 162,362 99.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.8%
London 99.9%
Midlands 99.8%
North East and Yorkshire 99.8%
North West 99.8%
South East 99.8%
South West 99.6%
England 99.8%

2.4 KPI ID4: coverage: syphilis

National performance of ID4 (see standard IDPS-S03) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 99.8%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 162,063 162,359 99.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.8%
London 99.9%
Midlands 99.8%
North East and Yorkshire 99.8%
North West 99.8%
South East 99.8%
South West 99.6%
England 99.8%

3. Sickle cell and thalassaemia screening

3.1 KPI ST1: coverage: antenatal screening

National performance of ST1 (see standard SCT-S01) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 99.8%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 161,894 162,240 99.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.8%
London 99.9%
Midlands 99.7%
North East and Yorkshire 99.8%
North West 99.8%
South East 99.8%
South West 99.6%
England 99.8%

3.2 KPI ST2: test: timeliness of antenatal screening

National performance of ST2 (see standard SCT-S02) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 61.2%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 100,283 163,885 61.2%
Region Performance %
East of England 65.9%
London 54.6%
Midlands 56.6%
North East and Yorkshire 70.6%
North West 60.4%
South East 62.5%
South West 64.8%
England 61.2%

3.3 KPI ST3: test: completion of family origin questionnaire (FOQ)

National performance of ST3 (see standard SCT-S03) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 97.9%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 161,131 164,507 97.9%
Region Performance %
East of England 97.8%
London 99.7%
Midlands 96.4%
North East and Yorkshire 98.0%
North West 97.8%
South East 97.5%
South West 98.0%
England 97.9%

3.4 KPI ST4a: referral: timely offer of prenatal diagnosis (PND) to women at risk of having an infant with sickle cell disease or thalassaemia

National performance of ST4a (see standard SCT-S05) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 48.7%. Thresholds have not yet been set for this KPI.

ST4a is a small number KPI, therefore the data should be interpreted with caution.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 287 589 48.7%
Region Performance %
East of England 72.1%
London 46.8%
Midlands 48.3%
North East and Yorkshire 56.0%
North West 19.4%
South East 44.8%
South West 20.0%
England 48.7%

3.5 KPI ST4b: referral: timely offer of prenatal diagnosis (PND) to couples at risk of having an infant with sickle cell disease or thalassaemia

National performance of ST4b (see standard STC-S05) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 62.6%. Thresholds have not yet been set for this KPI.

ST4b is a small number KPI, therefore the data should be interpreted with caution.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 244 390 62.6%
Region Performance %
East of England 71.8%
London 74.8%
Midlands 56.6%
North East and Yorkshire 62.7%
North West 35.0%
South East 54.8%
South West 61.1%
England 62.6%

4. Newborn blood spot screening

4.1 KPI NB1: coverage of CCG responsibility at birth

National performance of NB1 (see standard NBS-S01a) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 97.0%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 120,444 124,150 97.0%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.6%
London 95.6%
Midlands 96.9%
North East and Yorkshire 98.0%
North West 96.0%
South East 97.7%
South West 95.8%
England 97.0%

4.2 KPI NB2: test: quality of the blood spot sample

National performance of NB2 (see standard NBS-S06) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 2.8%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 3,770 136,313 2.8%
Region Performance %
East of England 2.0%
London 2.2%
Midlands 2.9%
North East and Yorkshire 2.9%
North West 3.3%
South East 3.4%
South West 2.7%
England 2.8%

4.3 KPI NB4: coverage of movers in

National performance of NB4 (see standard NBS-S01b) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 80.2%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 9,223 11,505 80.2%
Region Performance %
East of England 85.1%
London 70.5%
Midlands 78.7%
North East and Yorkshire 89.0%
North West 82.7%
South East 83.8%
South West 80.7%
England 80.2%

5. Newborn hearing screening

5.1 KPI NH1: coverage

National performance of NH1 (see standard NHSP-S01) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 99.1%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 147,514 148,887 99.1%
Region Performance %
East of England 99.2%
London 98.8%
Midlands 99.1%
North East and Yorkshire 99.1%
North West 98.8%
South East 99.5%
South West 99.1%
England 99.1%

5.2 KPI NH2: diagnosis/intervention – time from screening outcome to attendance at an audiological assessment appointment

National performance of NH2 (see standard NHSP-S05) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 90.1%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 10,307 11,443 90.1%
Region Performance %
East of England 88.5%
London 91.1%
Midlands 90.3%
North East and Yorkshire 89.4%
North West 87.5%
South East 92.2%
South West 93.2%
England 90.1%

6. Newborn and infant physical examination screening

6.1 KPI NP1: coverage

National performance of NP1 (see standard NIPE-S01) in quarter 4 2023 to 2024 was 96.4%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 135,350 140,425 96.4%
Region Performance %
East of England 96.9%
London 96.1%
Midlands 96.3%
North East and Yorkshire 96.6%
North West 96.2%
South East 95.8%
South West 97.6%
England 96.4%

6.2 KPI NP3: diagnosis/intervention – timeliness of ultrasound scan of the hips for developmental dysplasia

NP3 (see standard NIPE-S03) was introduced in 2021 to 2022. New KPIs are not published in the first year of data collection. This time is used to improve the data quality and completeness, by revising the definition, adding clarity and / or setting thresholds as required.

In quarter 4 2023 to 2024, national performance of NP3 was 76.2%.

Quarter 4 performance

Reporting period Numerator Denominator Performance %
Quarter 4 2023 to 2024 10,127 13,291 76.2%
Region Performance %
East of England 80.7%
London 72.8%
Midlands 77.3%
North East and Yorkshire 73.7%
North West 71.3%
South East 79.8%
South West 79.3%
England 76.2%