Radford, Tim - Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, NATO and Ministry of Defence - ACOBA advice
Advice to General Sir Tim Radford, former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, NATO and Ministry of Defence on business appointments after leaving Crown service
General Sir Tim left his role at the Ministry of Defence in July 2023.
Advisor, Hypori
General Sir Tim sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Hypori. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in November 2023 and the appointment was taken up in April 2024. An accessible version of the letter is available here.
Advisor, Aleck
General Sir Tim sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with Aleck. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in November 2023 and the appointment was taken up in April 2024. An accessible version of the letter is available here.
Senior Counselor, The Cohen Group
General Sir Tim sought the Committee’s advice about taking up a role with the Cohen Group. The letter containing the Committee’s consideration and the conditions imposed on the appointment was sent in November 2023 and the appointment was announced in March 2024 - to be taken up in April 2024. An accessible version of the letter is available here.