
How to remove radioactive material from your skin and clothes – self-decontamination guidance

Updated 10 September 2024

The most important thing you can do if you are near a radiation emergency is go inside and stay inside with doors and windows closed. Tune in to news updates so you know what to do next.

This guidance provides details of the steps you can take to protect yourself and others in removing any radioactive material that may have settled on your clothes and body.

Taking off your outer layer of clothing can remove up to 90% of radioactive material.

Step 1: Go inside and remove your outer layers of clothing

1. Get inside a building as soon as possible.

2. Do not move around too much and limit your contact with other people until you’ve decontaminated yourself.

3. If a clean face mask or face covering is immediately available, put it on.

4. Take off your outer layer of clothes and shoes. Cut off clothing where necessary to avoid removing anything over your head.

5. Avoid touching the outside of your clothing with your skin.

6. Put your clothing and face covering in a plastic bag or other sealable container, seal it and place it away from people.

Step 2: Wash yourself

Mains water (water in the shower or taps) is safe to use. Shower if you can.

If you can shower:

7. Wash your body, face and hair using soap and shampoo. Use warm water.

8. Do not use conditioner as it may fix contaminants to your hair.

9. Keep your mouth and eyes closed when washing your hair and face.

10. Do not scrub your skin or wounds. You can use a sponge or a wash cloth. If you use a sponge or a wash cloth, dispose of it in a sealed bag and place it away from people.

If you cannot shower:

11. Wash your hands, face, hair and other exposed body parts at a sink or tap.

12. Use soap and plenty of water. Do not use conditioner as it may fix contaminants to your hair.

13. Keep your mouth and eyes closed when washing your hair and face.

If you cannot use a sink or tap:

14. Use a moist wipe, clean wet cloth or damp paper towel to wipe the parts of your body that were uncovered.

15. Pay special attention to your hands and face. Gently wipe your eyelids and around your mouth, moving outwards and away from your nose and mouth. Blow your nose. Do not scrub your skin or wounds.

16. Place any waste materials in a plastic bag or other sealable container, seal it and place it away from people.

Step 3: Put on clean clothes

17. Put on clean clothes that have been stored indoors.

18. Do not put contaminated clothes back on.

Step 4: Helping others and pets

19. Wear waterproof gloves and a face mask if possible.

20. Keep cuts and scrapes covered to keep radioactive material away from open wounds.

21. Put any waste from cleaning other people or pets in a plastic bag or other sealable container. Seal the bag or container and place it away from people.

22. Rewash your hands, face and parts of your body that were uncovered.