Radiation workers and their health: national study
The national registry for radiation workers (NRRW) is a long-term follow-up study of the health of radiation workers in the UK.
The National Registry for Radiation Workers Governance Group provides governance and oversight of the epidemiology work proposed using data from the study.
The NRRW studies the effects of low doses of radiation exposed on workers.
The aim of the NRRW is to:
- better understand the risk of occupational low-dose exposure to ionising radiation
- inform regulations and guidelines that protect radiation workers
The guidance outlines how the NRRW carries out the study and the privacy notice sets out how the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) will use and protect the data obtained by it.
Updates to this page
Added the "Pilot study to evaluate the value of occupational health data to improve the quality of the estimate of health effects from radiation exposure in the NRRW".
Updated NRRW data: publications by study team to include the summary of shape of radiation dose response for ischaemic heart disease mortality.
Added 'Merger of the BNFL, UKAEA and AWE worker epidemiology studies into NRRW' and 'INWORKS2: an update to the INWORKS study'.
Added 'Summary of radiation effect on respiratory disease mortality' to 'NRRW data: publications by study team'.
Added link to the National Registry for Radiation Workers Governance Group.
Added summary for 'Update to the NRRW third analysis 2022 – solid cancer incidence' to 'NRRW data: publications by study team'.
Updated information and added: NRRW data: publications by study team.
Amended phone number for data controller.
Added 'INWORKS: collaborative study using NRRW data' and an 'Update to the NRRW third analysis 2019 - leukaemia'.
Added link to PHE's personal information charter to the privacy notice for National Registry for Radiation Workers.
Added update to the NRRW third analysis 2019.
Updated 'National Registry for Radiation Workers: guidance'.
Renamed and updated the 'information sheet' as guidance.
Added 'privacy notice for National Registry for Radiation Workers (NRRW)'.
First published.