Statutory guidance

Radio Equipment Regulations 2017: Regulation 14

Updated 24 March 2025

Guidance on Regulation 14: Information to be included where there are restrictions on putting into service or requirements for authorisation of use.

February 2021

1. Introduction

This Guide is for businesses placing radio equipment on the market in the United Kingdom from 1 January 2021. See footnote 1 It specifically relates to Regulation 14 of the Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 as amended (“the 2017 Regulations”): Information to be included where there are restrictions on putting into service or requirements for authorisation of use.

This guide clarifies how businesses can comply with Regulation 14:

  • when placing radio equipment on the GB market
  • when placing radio equipment on the NI market

This guide applies to all radio equipment in scope of the 2017 Regulations where there are restrictions on putting into service or requirements for authorisation of use, related to the radio spectrum. In the UK, the radio spectrum is administered and maintained by Ofcom under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006.

For more general information about supplying radio equipment to the GB and NI markets, you should read the relevant guidance, which can be found here:

Read guidance on the regulations

2. Background

The 2017 Regulations establish requirements for the safety and electromagnetic compatibility of radio equipment and promote protection of the radio spectrum. They require equipment placed on the market to comply with a high level of safety (in terms of the health and safety of persons and domestic animals and the protection of property); with an adequate level of electromagnetic compatibility; and to operate in a manner that promotes efficient use of the radio spectrum avoiding harmful interference.

Regulation 14 of the 2017 Regulations requires that where there are restrictions on putting into service or requirements for authorisation of use, a manufacturer must include information on the packaging of the radio equipment to identify this. The information must be presented in the manner and form specified in the Implementing Regulation. See footnote 2

The 2017 Regulations implemented Directive 2014/53/EU on Radio Equipment and Regulation 14 implemented the requirements of Article 10(10) of the Directive.

This guide provides clarification and further information on the requirements for the amended Regulation 14 so that manufacturers are able to place goods on both the NI/EU and GB markets without having to amend packaging.

3. Complying with Regulation 14 when placing radio equipment on the GB market

The 2017 Regulations as amended see footnote 3 for GB, require that restrictions are to be identified by:

a) a Pictogram (see below) followed by the abbreviation “UK” or

b) the words “Restrictions or Requirements in the UK”

The Pictogram

The Pictogram: Great Britain

4. Complying with Regulation 14 when placing radio equipment on the NI market

The 2017 Regulations as amended see footnote 4 for NI, require that restrictions are to be identified by:

a) a Pictogram (see below) followed by the abbreviation “UK(NI)” or

b) the words “Restrictions or Requirements in the UK(NI)”

The Pictogram

The Pictogram: Northern Ireland

NI remains subject to EU laws after 31 December 2020 by virtue of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The amendments to Regulation 14 reflect Article 7.2 of the Protocol which requires the UK(NI) indication for the UK in respect of NI.

Products to be placed on the NI, or EU, market will need to use the UK(NI) indication to comply with the 2017 Regulations and Directive 2014/53/EU on Radio Equipment respectively.

Read EU guidance on Article 10 of the RED Directive

The guidance, published in November 2020, states that from 1 January 2021 “the reference to United Kingdom and the abbreviation “UK” can no longer be included, for the purposes of Article 10 (10) of the RED, with respect to products placed on the EU market.”

It should be noted that this requirement is distinct from and not related to the UK(NI) marking, sometimes referred to as the UK(NI) mark or UK(NI) indication, the new conformity marking for products placed on the market in Northern Ireland which have undergone mandatory third-party conformity assessment by a body based in the UK.

Read guidance on UKNI marking

5. Meeting the packaging requirements in GB

Manufacturers placing products on the GB market can meet the requirements of Regulation 14 by using either the Pictogram with the “UK(NI)” indication or “restrictions or requirements in UK (NI)” on the packaging to indicate where requirements exist. They will be deemed to have met Regulation 14 requirements for the GB market and there is no requirement to use “UK” alongside this.

Therefore, use of either “UK” or “UK(NI)” is acceptable for the GB market and products where Regulation 14 requirements are met with “UK” will continue to be accepted in GB, as will products with both “UK” and “UK(NI)”.

Importers of radio equipment should take note of this guidance in connection with their obligations in Regulation 21 of the 2017 Regulations. Distributors of radio equipment should do so in connection with their obligations in Regulation 31 of the 2017 Regulations.

6. Meeting the instruction manual requirements

Regulation 14 also requires, as per the Implementing Regulation, that information must be included in the instructions indicating the geographical areas in the United Kingdom where such restrictions or requirements exist, as well as the types of restrictions or requirements applicable.

Because radio spectrum rules are harmonised across the UK, there is no additional need to refer to geographical areas within the UK when setting out restrictions. Instructions need not be amended further to comply with these requirements.

Products placed on the market in Northern Ireland or the EU must continue to comply with the requirements of the Implementing Regulation in its unamended EU form.

7. Footnotes

1: The implementation or Transition Period officially ended at 11pm on 31 December 2020; therefore references to 1 January should be read as meaning 11pm on 31 December 2020.

2: For GB this is Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1354 as referred to in Regulation 14 (2)(b) of the 2017 Regulations, as amended by The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 and The Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment to Extent and Meaning of Market) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020. For NI the Implementing Regulation applies unamended.

3: The 2017 Regulations were amended as in footnote 2.

4: The 2017 Regulations were amended by the Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 to apply in NI from 1 January 2021 and Regulation 14 was amended by the Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (UK(NI) Indication) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 to provide for the use of the abbreviation ‘UK(NI)’. This reflects the requirements of Article 7.2 of the NI Protocol.