Radiotherapy Services in England 2012
This report sets out the state of radiotherapy services in England.
Applies to England
This report:
- uses the radiotherapy dataset collection to demonstrate what the data shows about radiotherapy services across England
- assesses whether the metrics for radiotherapy services, established by the National Radiotherapy Implementation Group (NRIG) report in 2007, remain current
- shows that there is more to be done to ensure that the right access levels are reached and that the service has the capacity to deliver at those levels
- identifies variation in doses of radiotherapy prescribed by clinicians around the country (local services now need to examine how much of this variation is clinically appropriate)
- provides information that will enable services to see how they are progressing against a number of metrics
- is aimed at commissioners and service providers
- has been prepared by the NRIG, which advises the Department of Health and Ministers on radiotherapy services in England
Radiotherapy remains a priority for the service and commissioners should ensure that access rates and the use of advanced radiotherapy techniques, such as intensity modulated radiotherapy, are appropriate for their populations.