Radon in homes in Scotland: 2016 data report
This report (PHE-CRCE-034) provides a summary of radon measurements made in homes in Scotland between 1984 and 2015.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is present in all homes and is the major source of ionising radiation exposure to the UK population. Where high levels are found, a radon Action Level is used to advise householders on the need to take remedial action in the home.
This report summarises and presents the data that PHE holds from just under 28,000 radon measurements conducted in homes in Scotland in the period between 1984 and 2015. Results are presented in tabular format to illustrate the range and distribution of radon levels in local government administrative areas down to electoral ward. Results are also presented using the postcode system down to sector level and by NHS Health Board and Community Health Partnership.
This report complements the indicative atlas of Scotland (Miles et al, 2011) which shows the radon potential in map format and it updates and replaces the data tables contained within the previous result summary (Green et al, 2009) and programme report (Green et al, 2012).