Radon in workplace basements
This report (PHE-CRCE-028) presents analysis of PHE measurement results and recommendations on when to test.
Radon is a recognised lung carcinogen. Regulations exist in the UK that limit the exposure to radon at work and require employers to take action if levels exceed certain thresholds. As radon levels in individual buildings cannot be predicted, PHE offers a routine measurement service, which has been in operation for around 30 years.
This report uses the pre-mitigation radon results in basements of around 3500 workplaces that have been measured with passive monitors as part of the PHE routine measurement service. The dataset has been analysed with respect to the nature of work undertaken by the employer and by the radon potential of the workplace address. Statistical tests run to assess agreement with lognormality (the distribution typically demonstrated by radon datasets) showed that the data could be used to refine advice to employers on measuring radon in workplace basements.