Rainwater harvesting: regulatory position statement
Updated 28 January 2021
Applies to England
Rainwater harvesting is an efficient way to use water.
Harvested rainwater is rainwater:
- collected from roofs and other above ground surfaces
- collected via a system of above ground pipes and tanks
- isolated from inland waters or groundwater
The Environment Agency will not regulate harvested rainwater provided its use does not harm the environment – either alone or combined with other abstractions or transfers. Rainwater harvesting within a catchment must not affect the normal watercourse flow.
You do not need an abstraction licence to use water that only consists of harvested rainwater. However you may need a water abstraction licence if you combine harvested rainwater with ground or surface water, which you then abstract or transfer.
This regulatory position statement clarifies when you:
- can use harvested rainwater without a water abstraction licence
- will need a water abstraction licence to abstract or transfer harvested rainwater
Conditions you must comply with
When you do not need a water abstraction licence
You do not need a water abstraction licence:
- to harvest rainwater into a reservoir, with or without an overflow, if it only contains collected rainwater
- to use harvested rainwater that has not entered inland surface waters or groundwater
- if the rainwater storage system is used for irrigation, and is not a source of water supply
- to use water stored for irrigation in a reservoir with an overflow, provided that the reservoir is only filled by harvested rainwater or water abstracted from another source under a full abstraction licence
When you do need a water abstraction licence
You must apply for a water abstraction licence if you combine harvested rainwater with water from any of the following sources into a reservoir storage system that discharges to inland waters:
- any watercourse
- land drainage
- underground strata
- gravity intake
- licensed water abstracted from another source
In these cases you will require both of the following:
- an abstraction licence for the total amount you abstract from the reservoir for irrigation
- additional licences for any abstraction into the reservoir
You must apply for a water abstraction licence for reservoirs which are unlined and wholly or mainly filled with water from underground strata. These reservoirs are sources of supply – you will need an abstraction licence for the total amount you abstract from them.
You must not harvest so much rainwater or abstract so much groundwater that you contribute to the depletion of local inland waters or groundwater beyond safe environmental levels. For example, as set out in the Water Framework Directive or measured by Environmental Flow Indicators.
A RPS means that the Environment Agency will not normally take enforcement action against you if:
- your activity meets the description set out in this RPS
- you comply with the conditions set out in this RPS
- your activity does not, and is not likely to, cause harm to the environment or human health
When to check back
This RPS is valid until April 2029. We will review it every 2 years. You will need to check back regularly to see if it still applies or if you need to apply for a water abstraction licence.
Contact the Environment Agency if you:
- need help to understand if you need a water abstraction licence
- want to find out if simple changes to the way you abstract water could mean you do not need a licence
General enquiries
National Customer Contact Centre
PO Box 544
S60 1BY
Email enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
Telephone 03708 506 506
Telephone from outside the UK (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm GMT) +44 (0) 114 282 5312
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.