Range advice notes
Clarify range safety or construction issues not directly effecting range safety.
Range advice notes are issued from time to time to explain and clarify range safety or construction issues that do not directly effect the safety of a range.
Updates to this page
Added 01/16: Biennial works inspections of MOD range facilities.
Moved RSN 02/14 and 03/14 to Range Safety Notices page.
Added 14-02: range template controller in control of movement on parallel ranges or multiple units on a single range and 14-03: ban on civilian gun clubs using specific weapon/ammunition types
Added new Range Advice Note 14-05.
Added Range Notice 14-04 Implementation of the army operational shooting policy 2014
Added Range Advice Note 01/14.
Summary and detail updated
Added new RSPL
Added to series page
New Range Advice Note added
First published.