Rapid response vehicles for medical purposes: charities grant scheme
The Cabinet Office is offering funding to charities that provide rapid response vehicles for medical purposes. Apply by 12 January 2016.
Please note the deadline for applications has been extended to Tuesday 12 January.
This grant will provide funding towards the costs incurred since 1 April 2015 from buying and fitting rapid response land vehicles used for medical purposes.
The one-off grant is intended for charities that meet these requirements:
- provide land-based rapid response vehicles for medical purposes in England
- have not received funding from other grants and not already funded for VAT
- have paid VAT costs on purchasing and fitting these vehicles in 2015 to 2016
Charities: if you meet the criteria in the guidance, return the completed application documents to ocs.info@cabinetoffice.gov.uk by Tuesday 12 January 2016.
Charities that provide these vehicles in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland should contact the Scottish Government, Welsh Assembly or the Northern Ireland Assembly, respectively.
Notes for applying
- this is a one-off grant scheme and we currently have no plans to repeat it
- funding provided will be by way of capital grant and should be used to purchase capital assets (such as vehicles) or for costs to maintain or bring these vehicles into working condition for their intended use
- running costs, including fuel, will generally be classified resource costs and cannot, therefore, be met with grant funding