
Alcohol Duty rates

Check the rates of duty for beer, cider, spirits, wine and other fermented products.

Rates of duty (per litre of pure alcohol)


Alcohol by volume (ABV) Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each
litre of pure alcohol in the product
0 to 1.2% 0.00
1.3% to 3.4% 9.61
3.5% to 8.4% 21.78
8.5% to 22% 29.54
Stronger than 22% 32.79

Cider (but not sparkling cider)

Alcohol by volume (ABV) Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each
litre of pure alcohol in the product
0 to 1.2% 0.00
1.3% to 3.4% 9.61
3.5% to 8.4% 10.02
8.5% to 22% 29.54
Stronger than 22% 32.79

Sparkling cider

Alcohol by volume (ABV) Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each
litre of pure alcohol in the product
0 to 1.2% 0.00
1.3% to 3.4% 9.61
3.5% to 5.5% 10.02
5.6% to 8.4% 25.67
8.5% to 22% 29.54
Stronger than 22% 32.79

Spirits or spirit-based products

Alcohol by volume (ABV) Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each
litre of pure alcohol in the product
0 to 1.2% 0.00
1.3% to 3.4% 9.61
3.5% to 8.4% 25.67
8.5% to 22% 29.54
Stronger than 22% 32.79

Wine (including sparkling wine)

Alcohol by volume (ABV) Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each
litre of pure alcohol in the product
0 to 1.2% 0.00
1.3% to 3.4% 9.61
3.5% to 8.4% 25.67
8.5% to 22% 29.54
Stronger than 22% 32.79

Other fermented products like fruit ciders

Alcohol by volume (ABV) Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each
litre of pure alcohol in the product
0 to 1.2% 0.00
1.3% to 3.4% 9.61
3.5% to 8.4% 25.67
8.5% to 22% 29.54
Stronger than 22% 32.79

Duty rates for draught products

Draught product Amount of duty in £ (pounds) for each litre of pure alcohol in the product
All products 0 to 1.2% 0
All products 1.3% to less than 3.5% 8.28
Still cider 3.5% to less than 8.5% 8.63
Sparkling cider 3.5% to 5.5% 8.63
Sparkling cider over 5.5% to less than 8.5% 18.76
Beer, spirits, wine and other fermented products 3.5% to less than 8.5% 18.76

Check the duty rates up to 31 January 2025

You can view previous Alcohol Duty rates on the National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 23 August 2023
Last updated 1 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Alcohol Duty rates have been updated from 1 February 2025.

  2. Translation added.

  3. First published.

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