Restoring Your Railway Fund
Supporting the reopening of rail lines and stations.
Applies to England and Wales
The Department for Transport invited MPs, local authorities and community groups across England and Wales to propose how they could use funding to reinstate axed local services and restore closed stations.
Funding was made available for 3 purposes.
Ideas Fund
Through the Ideas Fund, we are supporting proposals to reinstate axed local services, which are sponsored by MPs working with local authorities and community groups.
Advanced proposals
The £500 million fund is also helping to accelerate the development of closed lines and stations which are already in the process of being considered for restoration.
Proposals for new and restored stations
The New Stations Fund supports both the development of new stations and restoration of old station sites.
Updates to this page
Updated to announce successful schemes in the third – and for the foreseeable future final – round of the Restoring Your Railway Ideas Fund, and to remove information that is no longer relevant.
Removal of Steve Barclay MP, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, from the list of the expert panel members for ideas fund round 3.
Addition of Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP to expert panel.
Round 3 of the Ideas Fund has now closed.
Added information on how to request an application form.
Round 3 of the Ideas Fund has opened and submissions will be accepted until 5 March 2021.
Updated following the announcement of Round 2 Ideas Fund outcomes.
Second round bids information released and notification of next application phase in November 2020.
Announcing the successful bids for the first round of the Ideas Fund.
Restoring Your Railway Ideas Fund round 1 update.
Guidance updated and expanded.
Invitation requirement altered so that proposals are required to come from MP's working with local authorities and communities, rather than local authorities and communities themselves.
First published.