Reclaim minerals extraction and landfill sites to agriculture
The legislation, policies and advice that planning authorities need to consider to reclaim the quality and structure of soil for farming use.
Applies to England
These guides apply to proposals for:
- mineral extraction
- landfill and land raising (structures made from above ground waste) – referred to as ‘landfilling’ in these guides
Planning authorities and developers should use the guide for reclaiming mineral extraction and landfill sites to agriculture when considering proposals that affect agricultural land in England.
You should use the planning and aftercare advice to make sure developers understand what’s needed to reclaim sites to agriculture.
Updates to this page
Added links to new guidance on soil handling produced by the Institute of Quarrying. Updated guidance on how to test soil wetness.
Added Defra's 25 year plan to improve the environment 'A Green Future' and how it plans to protect agricultural land and soils.
First published.