Called-in decision: land at and adjacent to, Hulton Park, Manchester Road, Over Hulton, Bolton (ref: 3208426 - 30 July 2020)
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal.
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal:
Part A: a full planning application for:
- restoration works to Hulton Park and various existing structures and heritage assets within it, including the pleasure grounds, dovecote, walled garden and lakes
- and for the development of a golf resort, including:
- an 18-hole championship-grade golf course and clubhouse
- a golf academy including driving range, practice course, adventure golf course and academy building with sports and learning facilities, a golf shop and café
- a hotel with adjoining spa and conference facility
- other ancillary buildings, structures and engineering and landscape works, including a maintenance building, halfway house, highway accesses, highway underpass, various bridges, boundary treatments, internal access roads, external lighting, parking areas, and new and replacement landscaping
- the demolition of various existing buildings and structures
- and, where applicable, the re-routing, upgrading and extension of the Public Rights of Way network; and
Part B: an outline application for:
- the residential development of 56.03 hectares of land providing up to 1,036 dwellings, a local centre, and, where applicable, the re-routing, upgrading and extension of the Public Rights of Way network, with all matters reserved except for (in part) highways
Listed building consent application for the restoration of a Grade II Listed dovecote.