Recovered appeal: land at Wolborough Barton, Coach Road, Newton Abbot (ref: 3205558 - 3 June 2020)
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal.
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal for:
- outline proposal for mixed use development comprising circa 1,210 dwellings (C3), a primary school (D1), up to 12,650 sq m of employment floorspace (B1), two care homes (C2) providing up to 5,500 sq m of floorspace, up to 1,250 sq m of community facilities (D1), a local centre (A1/A3/A4/A5) providing up to 1,250 sq m of floorspace, open space (including play areas, allotments, MUGA) and associated infrastructure (Means of Access to be determined only)
- full proposal for a change of use of existing agricultural buildings to hotel (C1), restaurant (A3) and bar/drinking establishment (A4) uses, involving erection of new build structures, construction of an access road and parking, plus other associated conversion and minor works