Recovered appeal: Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus, College Close, Wheatley, Oxford (ref: 3230827 - 23 April 2020)
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal.
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for a recovered appeal for:
- demolition of all existing structures and redevelopment of the site with up to 500 dwellings and associated works including
- engineering operations, including site clearance, remediation, remodelling and deposition of inert fill material arising from demolition on site
- installation of new and modification of existing services and utilities
- construction of foul and surface water drainage systems, including SuDS
- creation of noise mitigation bund and fencing
- creation of public open space, leisure, sport and recreation facilities including equipped play areas; ecological mitigation works
- construction of a building for community/sport use and associated car parking
- construction of internal estate roads, private drives and other highways infrastructure and construction of pedestrian footpaths
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Published 23 April 2020