Recovery needs assessment: process guidance
How to carry out a recovery needs assessment (RNA) for confirmed victims of modern slavery.
This guidance is for staff at the Single Competent Authority (SCA), relevant employees of the Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract prime contractor and support workers for confirmed victims of modern slavery. It explains the policy, process and procedure which must be followed when completing a recovery needs assessment (RNA).
The guidance explains the issues for consideration for support workers in developing recommendations for ongoing support for victims with recovery needs arising from their modern slavery experiences, whether through the Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract (MSVCC) or alternative services. It also details those issues for consideration for Single Competent Authority (SCA) decision makers when deciding on those recommendations.
Updates to this page
Update to how to assess financial support section and new section added on exiting support via the RNA.
Update to how to assess financial support section following introduction of new subsistence rates.
Update of the minimum recovery period length to 30 days following a reasonable grounds decision.
Updated the guidance.
Guidance updated to incorporate operational changes to decision-making.
Updated terminology in reference to the Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract (MSVCC) in guidance and landing page.
Updated document published. Changes since last version are detailed on page 4.
First published.