Statutory guidance

Live running memo 26: Did not attend process

Updated 12 November 2021

This statutory guidance was withdrawn on

The Reducing Parental Conflict face-to-face provision has ended and this guidance is no longer in use. Find other DWP provider guidance.

Dear provider and local authority,

1. As you are aware we are now providing management information to the Minister on the numbers of Referrals, Starts and Did Not Attend on the Reducing Parental Conflict interventions (Phase 2) within the Contract Package Areas (CPAs).

2. It has recently been identified from the Rotherham Referral Team records that the ‘Did Not Attend’ data from some CPAs is not being captured and sent through to them and therefore, cannot be reported on.

3. The Provider Guidance paragraph 4.27 details a Parent should be considered as ‘Did Not Attend’ when the 3 conditions below are met:

  • an Initial Assessment (IA) has been conducted, a “Start” has already been recorded by a provider in PRaP
  • the Parent fails to participate in the subsequent interventions after the IA
  • the Parent has disengaged and 4 weeks have elapsed since the provider/CPA was last able to contact the Parent

Please note: You cannot input a ‘Did Not Attend’ in PRaP if you have already input a start date. You will need to use one of the codes mentioned in Provider Guidance paragraph 4.28.

You may also find it useful to consider Provider Guidance paragraphs 4.28–4.29 and 4.34

4. Can you please ensure you complete the process below:

  • when inputting the ‘Did Not Attend’ reason into PRaP for claim closure, you must notify DWP immediately, e-mail the Rotherham Referral Team inbox and include:
    • reason for claim closure; (either this must match the PRaP pre-determined reasons or the listed selectable reasons)
    • the last date of attendance
    • complete the Intervention Plan with the last date of attendance with an electronic signature

Please ensure your supply chain is notified of the most recent guidance and ensure all staff adheres to the latest version.

Updated Provider Guidance will be with you shortly, but this instruction can be implemented with immediate effect.

Further information and contact details

If you have any queries about this Live Running Memo please contact your Performance Manager in the first instance.