
De-registration requirements - January 2018

Updated 28 June 2024

Applies to England

De-registration requirements

Any private registered provider can apply to the regulator for de-registration at any time, as long as they have grounds to do so under the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (the Act). There is no restriction on when a de-registered provider can re-apply for registration.

Section 119 of the Act sets out the grounds on which a private registered provider can apply to the regulator to be de-registered. These are that the private registered provider:

  • no longer is or intends to be a provider of social housing in England
  • is subject to regulation by another authority whose control is likely to be sufficient, or
  • meets any relevant criteria for de-registration set by the regulator (as below)

De-registration criteria

The de-registration criteria established by the regulator under Section 119 of the Act are that satisfactory arrangements are in place to ensure:

  • the continued protection of tenants
  • there is no misuse of public funds.

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Regulator of Social Housing
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8 City Walk
Leeds LS11 9AT

RSH regulates private registered providers of social housing to promote a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver homes that meet a range of needs.