Register as a British Overseas Territories citizen (form BOTC (F))
Application for registration as a British Overseas Territories citizen and British citizen by a person whose parents were not married (form BOTC(F)).
This form is for people who did not get British nationality at birth because their unmarried father could not pass on his status. You can register as a British Overseas Territories citizen (BOTC) and a British citizen at the same time.
You can only apply by post.
You should read:
the nationality forms guide to help you fill in the form
Send the form and payment slip (including the fee) and your documents to:
Department 162
UK Visas and Immigration
The Capital Building
New Hall Place
L3 9P
Updates to this page
Updated form to replace references to Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) with the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA).
Updated in line with changes to the biometric residence permit (BRP).
Referees and identity section at question 2.1 updated.
There has been minor clarification to question 1.17.
Updated form published.
First published.