Transparency data

Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs – register of interests

Updated 20 August 2024

Applies to England

Type of interest Interest
Directorships of Companies Non-Executive Director and Chair for Regeneration for the London Legacy Development Corporation;
Managing Director of Engage-Building Networks of Trust - clients include market research company Guidepoint;
DLUHC ( now MHCLG) - independent assessor for Board appointments
Keymole Ltd (freehold residents society)
Employment, remunerated profession or consultancy Chair of Consumer Challenge Group for Thames Water;
Standards and Regulation Board of RICS
Other public appointments None
Offices in voluntary, non-profit making bodies, etc. Governor of the Leathersellers Federation
Shareholding None – only nominal shares in Standard Life and pension managed by Curtis Banks
Other (inc family members or people living in same household) None