Transparency data

Elizabeth (Liz) Butler – register of interests

Updated 20 August 2024

Applies to England

Type of interest Interest
Directorships of Companies Non-executive director of Connect Health Limited from 01/07/19;
Director Cabris Investments from 07/05/21
Employment, remunerated profession or consultancy Senior Associate Zenon Consulting;
Proprietor EJ Butler Chartered Accountant
Other public appointments Non-executive director, Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board from 01/03/22.
Offices in voluntary, non-profit-making bodies etc. Independent member of the Audit Committee of General Dental Council from 01/07/21;
Trustee and Chair of Audit and Risk Committee at The Royal British Legion;
Treasurer and Trustee of the 5th Beckenham South Scout Group;
Treasurer and Trustee of Nankesido Education & Welfare Trust; Special Advisor to the World Federation of Medical Education from 01/09/21
Shareholding Cabris investments Ltd
Other (inc family members or people living in same household) Family connections to:
- Bulgarian consulting business Diolhynfawr EOOD
- Cooper Parry