
Register of training organisations

Organisations that are eligible to be invited to tender for education and training services.

This publication was withdrawn on

The register of training organisations was decommissioned on 31 July 2021.

The register of apprenticeship training providers is now part of the apprenticeship provider and assessment register (APAR).

There is information on applying to the APAR as an apprenticeship training provider.

Applies to England


Register of training organisations


Decommissioning ROTO on 31 July 2021

We are formally decommissioning ROTO on the 31 July 2021. Our funding rules will be updated to reflect this.

The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers is now the market entry point for providers wishing to deliver apprenticeships and we will advertise funding opportunities for other funding streams on GOV.UK, including the recently announced expansion of traineeships.

To be eligible to compete for funding, organisations must complete our market entry pre-qualification process. This includes completing our due diligence questions and capacity and capability questions.

Entry on the register does not automatically entitle an organisation to funding, but it means that they will be eligible to be invited to compete for future funding opportunities.

Updates to this page

Published 25 September 2014
Last updated 23 January 2018 show all updates
  1. Updated register of training organisations.

  2. The January 2017 publication of the Register of Training Organisations is now available.

  3. Updated register of training organisations.

  4. The February 2016 publication of the Register (published May 2016) is now available.

  5. The October 2015 publication of the Register (published February 2016) is now available.

  6. Updated SFA register of training organisations.

  7. Early termination of funding agreement - list of organisations moved to

  8. Published: list of lead providers whose funding agreement for education and training delivery has been terminated early by the SFA.

  9. Updated SFA register of training organisations.

  10. Updated version of the Register published.

  11. Register of training organisations published December 2014.

  12. First published.

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