
Ffurflen gofrestru etholiadol i ddinesydd o Brydain sy’n byw dramor

Os ydych yn ddinesydd Prydeinig sy'n byw dramor, gallwch wneud cais i fod yn bleidleisiwr tramor.



Gallwch gofrestru i bleidleisio o dramor ar-lein neu lenwi ffurflen gofrestru etholiadol.

Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn llofnodi’r datganiad ar y ffurflen gofrestru ac anfonwch hi i’ch Swyddfa Cofrestru Etholiadol leol

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 29 April 2015
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 16 January 2024 + show all updates
  1. Page updated to include a link to the Register to vote service and remove details about electors who were registered to vote as a resident in the UK in the last 15 years, or were too young to register. The law has changed to remove the 15-year rule. All eligibility information can now be found on the start page of the Register to vote service.

  2. Form 'Register to vote as an overseas voter (originally resident of Scotland)' updated.

  3. attachments updated

  4. Previous PDFs have been replaced with new PDFs containing updated wording relating to the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws.

  5. First published.

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