Regulation of materials under consideration for a Quality Protocol
This position statement sets out how we regulate wastes whilst they are under consideration for an end of waste Quality Protocol.
A Quality Protocol identifies the point at which waste, having been fully recovered, may be regarded as a non-waste product that can be used in specified markets, without the need for waste management controls. Quality Protocols have been produced for a range of materials.
This regulatory position relates to the final use of waste only. Any treatment of the waste prior to the final use will still need any relevant permit or exemption for that activity.
Updates to this page
Published 17 March 2014Last updated 13 November 2017 + show all updates
Revised position added.
Note: this position is currently being revised to take account of the new RPS 206: Use of unbound municipal Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate (IBAA) in construction activities.
First published.