
Regulator’s notification 05-2024: Consultation: Proposed FSA BIO 200 and FSA BIO 201 changes (accessible)

Published 25 September 2024


The Forensic Science Regulator proposes to amend FSA BIO 200 and FSA BIO 201 (previously FSA BIO 300) and related glossary terms in version 2 of the Code.


The Regulator’s notification 01-2023 suspended the requirement for accreditation for activity level interpretation and opinion. In response to this the Regulator’s Biology Specialist Group established a sub-group to advise on compliance mechanisms for human body fluid distribution. The Distribution working group comprises representatives from the public and private sectors with expertise and knowledge in human body fluid distribution and its assessment. As a first stage the working group reviewed the FSA for human body fluid distribution and the related FSA on human biological material and have made recommendations to the Regulator for amendments to clarify the activities defined within these FSAs.

The Regulator is seeking views from those who undertake FSA BIO 200 and / or FSA BIO 201 on the proposed changes.

Description of Notification / Changes

Amendments to FSA BIO 200; human biological material examination and testing and FSA BIO 201 (previously FSA BIO 300); human biological material distribution and the glossary terms for biological material and body fluids and a proposed new definition for attribution (DNA).

Process and Date of Implementation

The Forensic Science Regulator seeks comments from those carrying out FSA BIO 200 and / or FSA BIO 201, on the proposed amendments to these FSAs. The amended FSAs and a summary of the changes can be found on the Regulator’s website at the following link:

This document includes directions for feedback and comment. Comments should be returned via by the 11 October 2024.

Mr Gary Pugh OBE

20 September 2024