Regulatory judgements and enforcement notices
The judgements we publish on how well registered landlords are meeting our standards.
Applies to England
An archived regulatory judgements and notices table, containing all regulatory judgements, notices and enforcement notices published between 2012 and March 2024, is also available.
Regulatory judgements and notices are the regulator’s official view of a landlord. An A-Z list of landlords is also available, which links to each registered landlord’s page containing their current judgements.
For more details about our regulatory judgements and gradings, please see How we approach regulatory judgements and gradings.
Updates to this page
Published 18 February 2015Last updated 26 February 2025 + show all updates
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Updated regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgement and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgement and enforcement notices table added.
Southwark Council added to Gradings Under Review List. Updated regulatory judgement and enforcement notices table added.
Ravenscroft Re-Build Co-operative Limited added to the Gradings Under Review List. Updated Regulatory Judgement and Notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and enforcement notices table added. Link added to archived regulatory judgements and notices table which includes all judgements published before April 2024.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
A2Dominion Housing Group Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Judgement has been published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Rosewood Housing Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Origin Housing Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Windrush Alliance UK Community Interest Company removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Rosewood Housing Limited and A2Dominion Housing Group Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Octavia Housing removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Windrush Alliance UK Community Interest Company added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
South Yorkshire Housing Association Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
East End Homes Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
South Yorkshire Housing Association Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Octavia Housing added to Gradings Under Review list and Rapport Housing and Care removed as Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added. Tower Hamlets Community Housing removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement published.
Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Rapport Housing and Care added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added. ForHousing Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a regulatory judgement published.
Updated regulatory judgements and notices table added with new tab to reflect published Enforcement Notices.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added. Heylo Housing Registered Provider Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Judgement published.
Tower Hamlets Community Housing added to the Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added. Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Judgement published.
Auxesia Homes Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Notice published.
Regulatory judgements and notices table updated.
Latest regulatory judgments and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgments and notices table added. RCVDA Community Housing C.I.C removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Notice published.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added. Statement added to the page regarding Stability Check based judgements published since October 2022.
Latest regulatory judgments and notices table added. Highstone Housing Association Limited removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Notice published.
ForHousing Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list and latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
East End Homes Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list and latest Regulatory Judgements and Notices table added
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Auxesia Homes Limited added to the Gradings Under Review listing. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added
Highstone Housing Association Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Heylo Housing Registered Provider Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
RCVDA Community Housing C.I.C added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added. Shepherds Bush Housing Association Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as Regulatory Judgement published.
Christian Action (Enfield) Housing Association Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Updated Grading Under Review listing for Shepherds Bush Housing Association Limited. Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements and notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added
Shepherds Bush Housing Association Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Parasol Homes Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added. Swan Housing Association Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Judgement published.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table for 1 December added. Delayed from 1 December.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added (Version 24 November 2021)
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Swan Housing Association Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list. Falcon Housing Association CIC removed from the Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Parasol Homes Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added. Regulatory Notice added for Norwich City Council. Regulatory Notice withdrawn for Joseph Chariott's Charity following the issues giving rise to the notice being resolved. Regulatory Notices for the following providers withdrawn and replaced by the 'List of non-submission of annual accounts': Charity of Annie Kew, Dame Bertha Lopes Almshouses, Harman Atwood For Almshouses and Curates House, Mercy House of William Fry, The Abbeyfield Dorcas Society Limited, Wrott and Hill Charity.
3CHA Ltd and Reliance Social Housing CIC removed from Gradings Under Review list as Regulatory Notices published. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Falcon Housing Association CIC added to the Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Empowering People Inspiring Communities Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list as a Regulatory Judgement and a Regulatory Notice have been published. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest regulatory judgement table added
Auckland Home Solutions CIC removed from Gradings Under Review list as Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Reliance Social Housing CIC added to the Gradings under review list. Latest regulatory judgements/notices table added.
Latest Regulatory judgements table added
Empower Housing Association Limited added to Gradings Under Review list. Ash-Shahada Housing Association Limited and Concept Housing Association CIC removed from Gradings Under Review list as Regulatory Notices have been published. Latest regulatory judgements table added. Explanation of governance and viability gradings added directly to this page, replacing a link redirecting readers to Regulating the Standards.
Eldonian Community Based Housing Association Limited removed from GUR as Regulatory Notice published. Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Updated regulatory judgement table added.
Empowering People Inspiring Communities Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list. Updated regulatory judgements table added.
Brent Community Housing Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Eldonian Community Based Housing Association Limited added to the Gradings Under Review list and updated regulatory judgements table added.
Latest regulatory judgement table added. Salvation Army Housing Association removed from Gradings Under Review list.
Updated regulatory judgements table added.
Updated regulatory judgements table added
Updated regulatory judgement table added.
Hilldale Housing Association Limited and Pivotal Housing Association removed from the Gradings Under Review list as Regulatory Notices published for these providers. Updated Regulatory Judgement table added.
Auckland Home Solutions Community Interest Company added to the Gradings Under Review list. Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Updated regulatory judgements table added.
Latest regulatory judgements table added
3CHA Ltd, Ash-Shahada Housing Association Limited and Concept Housing Association CIC added to the gradings under review list. Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Hilldale Housing Association Limited and Pivotal Housing Association added to the Gradings Under Review list. Updated regulatory judgement table added.
Salvation Army Housing Association added to the Gradings Under Review list and updated regulatory judgement table added.
Regulatory judgements table updated
Regulatory judgements table updated
Brent Community Housing Limited added to the Gradings Under Review listing. Regulatory judgements table updated.
Regulatory judgements table updated. My Space Housing Solutions removed from Gradings Under Review list, and regulatory judgement added.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Regulatory judgements table updated
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Regulatory judgements table updated
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Regulatory judgements table updated
Latest regulatory judgement table added. ForHousing Limited removed from the grading under review list.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
My Space Housing Solutions added to Gradings Under Review list. Updated regulatory judgements table added.
Updated regulatory judgements table added
Regulatory judgement table updated to include note that Knowsley Housing Trust became Livv Housing Group in April 2020.
Updated regulatory judgements table added
Updated regulatory judgements table added
Updated regulatory judgements table added and Prospect Housing Limited removed from Gradings under review list.
Latest regulatory judgements table added
Updated regulatory judgement table added.
The regulatory judgements published on 25th March 2020 were informed by assessments carried out by RSH prior to the Coronavirus outbreak significantly impacting on the UK.
Removed Cheshire Peaks & Plains from Gradings Under Review and added new published table
Shepherds Bush Housing Association added to published table
Added updated table of judgements to include 26 February judgements
Regulatory Notice added for Golding Homes Limited.
New Roots Limited removed from Gradings Under Review list. Updated Regulatory judgements table added.
Regulatory judgements table updated.
Latest RJ Table added.
Regulatory Notice for Cheshire Peaks and Plains Housing Trust added to the RJ Table.
ForHousing Limited and Cheshire Peaks & Plains Housing Trust added to the Gradings under review list.
Prospect Housing Limited has been added to the Grading Under Review listing and the RJ Table.
Larch Housing Association Limited regulatory notice added to the RJ Table.
New Roots Limited has been added to the Gradings Under Review listing, and the details have been added to the RJ Table.
Latest regulatory judgements added.
Pathfinder Housing Association Limited has de-registered and has been removed from the RJ Table.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Latest regulatory judgement added for Connexus Housing Limited.
Regulatory Notice for Green Park Property Management Limited added to the RJ table.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
RJ Table updated.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Regulatory Notices added for Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Folkestone & Hythe District Council, and Thanet District Council. Narrative Regulatory Judgement added for Gentoo Group Limited.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Latest RJ table added reflecting the Regulatory Notice for Bespoke Supportive Tenancies Limited.
The latest RJ table has been uploaded
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Latest RJ table added.
Regulatory Notice added for Westmoreland Supported Housing Limited.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Regulatory Notice added for Wirral Partnership Homes Limited in RJ Table, and name changed to Magenta Living.
Encircle Housing's Grading Under Review removed from the GUR listing and table. Regulatory Notice added for Encircle.
The latest Regulatory Judgement table has been uploaded
Regulatory notice added for Kinsman Housing Limited.
Regulatory Notice added for GreenSquare Group Limited.
Latest regulatory judgement added.
Ongo Homes Limited grading under review removed. Regulatory judgement added.
Inclusion HCIC removed from GUR listing and table. Narrative RJ for Inclusion HCIC added to the table.
Regulatory notice for Lincolnshire Housing Partnership Limited added to the table.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Bespoke Supportive Tenancies Limited added to the Gradings Under Review listing and RJ Table.
Anchor Hanover Group added to the table. Anchor Trust and Hanover Housing Association removed.
Ongo Homes Limited added to Grading Under Review list. St Andrews Community Housing Association removed from Gradings under Review list. RJ table updated.
Westmoreland Supported Housing Limited removed from the Grading under review list. RJ table updated.
Kinsman Housing Limited removed from GUR list. RJ Table added.
Latest regulatory judgement table added.
Trinity Housing Association removed from Gradings Under Review listing. RJ Table updated.
Grading Under Review added for Encircle Housing Limited. Provider added to GUR listing.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Latest RJ table uploaded
Westmoreland Supported Housing Limited has been added to the Grading under Review list.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
Trinity Housing Association Limited added to the Gradings Under Review listing.
Pathfinder Housing Association Limited Grading Under Review removed. Amended judgements table uploaded.
Latest regulatory judgements table added.
New table uploaded containing the Regulatory Notice for Arun District Council.
Updated Regulatory Judgements Table added, Grading Under Review list revised.
Latest RJ table added.
Updated regulatory judgements table published and Knowsley Housing Trust added to Grading under review list.
Luminus Group Limited removed from RJ table.
Table of regulatory judgements updated.
Inclusion Housing Community Interest Company added to the regulator's GUR list.
Pathfinder Housing Association Limited, Kinsman Housing Limited, and St Andrews Community Housing Association added to Gradings Under Review list. RJ table updated.
Latest regulatory judgement added.
Regulatory judgements table updated.
Updated regulatory judgements table published (28 March 2018).
GUR list updated (6 March 2018).
GUR list updated (28 February 2018).
Updated regulatory judgements table published (28 February 2018).
RJ table updated (15 February 2018).
RJ table and GUR list updated (12 February 2018).
Suffolk HA removed from GUR list.
Regulatory judgements table updated (31 January 2018).
First Priority Housing Association added to the GUR list (30 January 2018).
Table of regulatory judgements & regulatory notices and the Gradings under review list updated (19 January 2018).
Updated regulatory judgements table published (20 December 2017).
Suffolk Housing Society Limited added to the Grading under Review list (11 December 2017).
Updated regulatory judgements table published (29 November 2017).
Regulatory judgements table updated (15 November 2017).
Table of regulatory judgements and notices updated (25 October 2017).
Updated GUR list published (2 October 2017)
Updated regulatory judgements and notices table published (27 September 2017).
Regulatory judgements and regulatory notices updated (30 August 2017).
GUR list updated (22 August 2017).
Table of regulatory judgements and notices updated (26 July 2017)
Table of regulatory judgements and regulatory notices updated (28 June 2017).
Table updated (16 June 2017).
RJ and RN table updated (31 May 2017).
Table updated (26 April 2017).
Updated table of regulatory judgements published (29 March 2017).
Impact Housing Association Limited added to GUR list (27 March 2017).
Table and GUR list updated (1 March 2017).
Table updated (24 February 2017).
Table and GUR list updated (22 February 2017).
Table and GUR list updated (10 February 2017)
Luminus Group Limited added to the Gradings under Review list (3 February 2017)
Current and previous regulatory judgements table (1 February 2017)
Manningham Housing Association removed from GUR list (1 February 2017).
Current and previous regulatory judgements table updated (25 January 2017)
Regulatory notice for Expectations (UK) added to judgements table (22 December 2016).
Regulatory notice added (21 December 2016).
Table of regulatory judgements and regulatory notices updated (21 December 2016).
Table updated with interim regulatory judgements (15 December 2016).
GUR list and regulatory judgements table updated (13 December 2016)
A provider has been added to the Gradings under review list (9 December 2016)
Latest table of regulatory judgements published (30 November 2016).
Table updated with latest regulatory judgements (16 November 2016).
Table of regulatory judgements updated (26 October 2016).
GUR table and Current and previous regulatory judgements list updated (28 September 2016).
Updated current and previous regulatory judgements table; updated gradings under review.
Updated current and archive tables.
Gradings under review list added.
Updated current and archive tables.
The gradings under review list entry for Derwent Housing Association Limited has been updated.
Updated current and archive tables.
Updated spreadsheets
Both tables updated.
Updated current regulatory judgements and notices
Latest judgements added.
Updated March 2016
Latest judgements and notices added.
February judgements added.
Tower Hamlets Community Housing added to gradings under review list
Gradings under review list updated
New judgements and notices added.
Three new regulatory notices added.
December regulatory judgement tables added.
Updated tables of latest and previous regulatory judgements and notices
Updated tables as of 28 October 2015
Current and archive tables updated with latest judgements.
Grading Under Review - Hundred Houses Society Limited added.
Note regarding our standard wording added.
Tables updated.
Updated table of current judgements.
Current and archived regulatory judgement tables updated
The Butlin and Elborow Housing Trust - Submission of Accounts
Regulatory notices published today added to current spreadsheet.
New judgements added 29 July 2015
Tables updated 15 July 2015
Current and previous regulatory judgement tables for June 2015
Grading under review - The Abbeyfield Society added
Gradings under review added
Latest regulatory judgements added
Regulatory judgements added, 29 April 2015
Latest judgements added.
25 March judgements added.
Regulatory judgements, 25 March 2015
New regulatory judgements added 25 February 2015
First published.