Research and analysis

Regulatory reform for businesses and consumers in ASEAN countries

Understanding the potential impacts of regulatory reform on gender equality and micro, small and medium enterprises in ASEAN countries.



This independent study was commissioned by the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) from the Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services. It was funded by UK International Development.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was founded in 1967, bringing together 10 member countries. In July 2023, the UK announced a new £25 million ASEAN-UK Economic Integration Programme. This aims to harness opportunities from the digital economy with a strong focus on women’s economic empowerment and small business development. It is built on three pillars. One of these is the Regulatory Reform (RR) pillar, aimed at ensuring that businesses and consumers are protected by clear regulation and standards.

OPSS is the implementing partner for the RR Pillar. The purpose of this study was to gather evidence to allow the design of regulatory reform interventions that can better support gender equality and micro, small and medium enterprises. The approach included a literature review and an interview programme with over 30 regional stakeholders, with a focus on Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. The findings from the evidence gathered were then discussed at a workshop.

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Published 5 March 2025

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