
Checklist: prepare evidence needed to seek approval for a related party transaction

Updated 28 June 2024

Applies to England

This checklist is to help you prepare the evidence needed when seeking approval for a related party transaction (RPT). The online form includes a ‘save and continue’ feature which allows you to return to your submission later.

Checklist Online form questions Evidence required Useful links and information
Supplier information Company number (if a limited company) and registered address

Supplier type

If the academy trust has received donation from the supplier in the past

Description of the relationship between the trust and the supplier
N/A Companies House
Transaction information Total value of transaction required

Transaction start date and end date

If the transaction is novel, contentious and/or repercussive (ATH 5.44)

If the transaction is for the appointment of an Accounting Officer or Chief Financial Officer (ATH 1.28 and 1.38)
A copy of the contract or agreement for the transaction, where available Where a transaction exceeds £10 million, please use the enquiry form to contact the ESFA to progress the submission

If the RPT is novel, contentious and/or repercussive (ATH 5.44) or is for the appointment of an Accounting Officer or Chief Financial Officer who is not an employee of the academy trust (ATH 1.28 and 1.38), separate ESFA approval is required
Procurement process If the academy trust followed its own procurement procedures (ATH 2.24 to 2.26) Evidence could include:

• quotes from different suppliers

• the academy trust’s completed procurement form

• a value-for-money assessment

• evidence to justify the procurement process
Buying procedures and procurement law for schools

Get help buying for schools - GOV.UK (

Crown Commercial Service public procurement

Deals for schools

Tendering ‘jargon busting’ guide

Benchmarking schools financial data
Financial framework If the academy trust has a competitive procurement procedure incorporated into the financial framework (ATH 2.24 to 2.26) A copy of the academy trust’s competitive procedure or financial framework  
Delegation levels If the academy trust applied the appropriate internal delegation levels (ATH 2.25) A copy of the academy trust’s scheme of delegation  
Register of interests If the related party and connected supplier are listed in the academy trust’s register of interests (ATH 5.45 to 5.48) A copy of the academy trust’s register of interests  
Conflicts of interest If the academy trust followed the correct procedures to manage the conflicts of interest Evidence to demonstrate the conflict has been managed could include:

• minutes of relevant meeting(s)

• a copy of email approval
At cost If the supplier is providing the goods and/or services at cost, where applicable (ATH 5.49 to 5.59) Evidence to support this includes a signed statement of assurance (SoA) Academy trust model statement of assurance