Renewables Obligation (RO) grace period for new onshore wind
Update on Government amendments to the Energy Bill 2015 on the proposed grace period relating to the closure of the Renewables Obligation (RO) for new onshore wind from 1 April 2016
The Government intends to end new public subsidies for onshore wind by making provision in the Energy Bill 2015 to close the Renewables Obligation across Great Britain to new onshore wind generating stations from 1 April 2016, one year earlier than planned.
On 8 October 2015 the Government tabled amendments to the Energy Bill setting out our proposals on the grace period. These take into account the feedback and evidence from stakeholders. Further details of the proposed grace period amendments are set out in the information document above.
Updates to this page
Update on Government amendments to the Energy Bill 2015 on the proposed grace period relating to the closure of the Renewables Obligation (RO) for new onshore wind from 1 April 2016
Details of stakeholder event published.
First published.