Report of wreck and salvage form (MSF 6200)
Complete this form to let the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) know when you have recovered any wreck material.
If you recover any wreck material, you will need to complete this form.
Sign it and send it to the Receiver of Wreck at within 28 days of the recovery.
Please read the separate guidance before completing the form.
Personal Information Charter
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) collects and retains personal information when you report wreck material. We do this for the purposes of administering the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, to process claims to wreck and salvage from wreck owners and salvors. The information that you provide is primarily used for administering claims to wreck and salvage but may also be used for the purpose of prevention and detection of crime and the investigation and prosecution of offences.
To find out more about how the MCA look after personal data, your rights and how to contact our data protection officer please go to the MCA Personal Information Charter page.
Updates to this page
Updated the MSF 6200 form to make it easier to type information directly into the form.
Removed references to COVID-19 affecting the Receiver of Wreck's ability to handle postal submissions.
PDF form removed and replaced with an accessible .ODT form.
We have added information and a link to our Personal Information Charter to this page.
First published.