
Report a competition or market problem

Tell the CMA about competition and consumer issues.

The CMA can’t step in or advise on individual complaints.

For advice and support on your individual case or issue, contact the relevant consumer advice organisation in your area.

Report an issue to the CMA

You can report competition, consumer or market problems to the CMA in a number of ways:

Report a cartel to the CMA

If you wish to report a cartel you should use the following:

If you would like details on what a cartel is and how to avoid them, we provide more information on our Cheating or Competing page.

If you or your business have been involved in a cartel, you should consider contacting our leniency programme:


Whistle-blowers are employees, or former employees, that report illegal activities carried out by the business or organisation they’re employed by.

If the illegal activity relates to the sale of products, the supply of services or about competition affecting markets in the UK, it’s important you report it to the CMA.

You can report whistleblowing concerns to the CMA in a number of ways:

Find out more about whistle-blowing, and what it means to be a whistle-blower, including your rights and how the CMA will protect your identity.

What happens next

After you’ve submitted your complaint to us, you’ll receive an automated response via email and we’ll review all your completed forms or details.

We can’t respond in detail to individual complaints.

As a result of the information you provide, we may:

  • contact businesses involved with your submission
  • investigate and take legal action against businesses
  • conduct studies or investigations into markets
  • prosecute people involved with cartels

If we decide to open a formal enforcement case, we may contact you and give you the opportunity to comment on this. We will contact you if we need to rely on the information you’ve provided to open the case. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

When the CMA takes part in criminal enforcement work, it acts in accordance with the duties set out in chapter 5 of the code of practice for victims of crime (victims code).

Report an issue to another regulator

In some cases, you may want to report your concerns to an industry regulator:

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Published 14 January 2016

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