
Request for a substantive examination

Use this form to request a substantive examination.


Form 10


In order to promote efficient and high quality patent processing internationally, we are cooperating with other patent offices to share the results of examination where they are available. We are obliged to provide some information before publication to the European Patent Office. However, if you are requesting that substantive examination takes place before your application is published we may receive a request from another patent office for the details of the examination we have carried out before your application is published and we could not provide those details without your consent. Any sharing will be carried out on a confidential basis and the results will not become publicly available through the other patent office before publication takes place in the UK.

If you are filing this form with a form 9A for the same application and you do not want the search and substantive examination to be done at the same time, you should indicate this by writing ‘Not combined search and examination’ on the front of this form in the space below part 5.

All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee.


£130: Paper
£100: Online

** plus any excess pages fee due (£10 for each page of description over 35)

Available online

Subsequently filed documents

Updates to this page

Published 29 April 2014
Last updated 26 April 2023 show all updates
  1. A new end page has been added. This contains a checklist and sending instructions. Supporting text added to questions that required further clarification.

  2. Form PF10 fee sheet updated.

  3. E-mail address for sending the completed form has been added.

  4. Fee sheet added to form PF10 and text 'All Intellectual Property Office fee bearing forms should be filed with the appropriate fee' added.

  5. Form 10: data privacy added.

  6. All forms and costs updated.

  7. First published.

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