Request for information: AlSat Nano payload
Request for information for payloads to fly on CubeSat: AlSat-Nano.
In March 2014 the UK Space Agency (UKSA) and Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which the two parties agreed to enhance collaboration in space programmes. A specific action identified following the MoU was the establishment of a joint educational CubeSat development programme to be delivered by Surrey Space Centre (SSC), utilising its ties and heritage in the field.
A 3U CubeSat standard nano-satellite, AlSAT-1N, will be designed, built and launched as part of the education programme SSC will deliver to Algerian students. The UK will be responsible for the platform hardware design, development and build, ASAL will undertake the final AIT, launch and operations.
As well as fulfilling its international objectives of strengthening relationships with emerging space nations, UKSA will be offering a free flight opportunity to the UK CubeSat community for competitively selected self-funded payloads, and potentially novel platform components.
This Request for Information (RFI) acts to gather information and provide notice to the release of a full Announcement of Opportunity (AO) in December 2014 for hardware/software payloads and potentially novel platform components.
Only groups that have responded to this RFI will be eligible to respond to the AO.
The deadline for RFI responses is 12 noon, November 14th 2014.