Request your personal data from CICA
How to request your personal data from CICA under data protection legislation.
Our obligation under data protection legislation
The processing of personal data is governed by relevant data protection legislation. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a data controller.
How you can access your information
You can find out if we hold any of your personal data by making a Subject Access Request (SAR). If we hold information about you we will:
- give you a description of it
- tell you why we are holding it
- tell you who it could be disclosed to
- let you have a copy of the information in an understandable form
To make a SAR you can write or email us and include:
Nature of your request - provide details of where your personal data may be held to enable us to trace your records. For example, relevant case reference numbers and/or date of incident.
Proof of identity - two forms of identification are required. Acceptable forms of ID include:
- photograph page of your passport
- driving licence
- a recent utility bill or bank statement as proof of address, no more than 6 months old.
You should post or email us copies and not your original documents.
How you can access information on behalf of someone else
If you are requesting personal data on behalf of someone else, we will still need the information noted above and also to see a signed disclosure consent from the person you are representing (the data subject). This includes requests from solicitors on behalf of a client. You can contact us if you want to know more about this.
Our SAR form can help us to answer your request. Once completed send us your form with copies of your identification to:
Subject Access Request (SAR)
Governance Team
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
10 Clyde Place
Buchanan Wharf
G5 8AQ
Or by email to
We encourage you to take a moment to read our Privacy Notice. This sets out how we will collect and use your personal information and explains your individual data protection and privacy rights.
Updates to this page
Updated the attached form - removing PDF and attaching updated ODT document
To change the address for sending us a SAR form to our new office address as of 2 April 2024.
A new online form is available to request personal information held by CICA. The guidance has been completely updated.
First published.