Requirements for the calculation of results in summer 2020
Requirements and guidance to exam boards in relation to the calculation of results to be issued for general qualifications in summer 2020.
Applies to England
Condition GQCov3.2(a)(i) allows us to specify requirements and guidance in relation to the calculation of results to be issued for GQ Qualifications in summer 2020.
This document, together with the annexes to it, sets out our requirements for the purposes of Condition GQCov3.2(a)(i).
An awarding organisation must comply with these requirements in calculating each result for a GQ Qualification that it issues under Condition GQCov3.1.
Updates to this page
Updated to include an annex on this year's application of the National Reference Test to GCSE results.
Updated the main document to reflect recent changes in grading of 2020 results.
Requirements document updated to include, at Annex E, details of the standardisation process used for the calculation of results in summer 2020.
First published.