Research: International Design Codes
This research report looks at the creation and use of design codes internationally, and what we can learn from them about the benefits of design coding.

Vinegar Lane - Aukland
This report was commissioned by Office for Place to understand how design codes have been produced and applied internationally. It provides evidence of design codes creating more certainty and improving placemaking.
The independent findings include wide-ranging lessons for local authorities and developers preparing design codes in England. Key findings include:
- Illustrations and diagrams make design codes more accessible and usable.
- A design code can help empower citizens and deliver more popular design; give communities a formal role in the process of preparing and implementing the code; and explain the participatory process through which the design code was drawn up and agreed, and how potential conflicts were resolved.
- Design codes should be ‘living documents’ that are subject to regular review and updates that learn from what works and what doesn’t.
- Some of the best codes help manage the delivery of complex, phased development with multiple sub-developers. Block or plot data sheets can be used with design codes to clarify how code requirements apply to phases or sub-developers and avoid repetition.
- Design codes have the potential to streamline simpler planning applications by offering fast-track approval for compliant planning proposals.