Suggested topics for dissertation projects based on National Nature Reserves
Updated 6 December 2024
Applies to England
East of England
Barnack Hills and Holes NNR
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Topic | season |
Undertake a study of the man orchid: why is this species declining? | any |
Investigate the impact of people and dogs on the site and how we might manage this better | any |
Investigate the likely effects of climate change and possible adaptations we can put in place | any |
Report on the value of timber across the site and how to get best outputs whilst improving habitats | any |
Castor Hanglands NNR
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Topic | season |
Survey the current deer populations and how they impact the site | any |
Undertake a breeding bird survey and possible habitat improvements | spring/summer |
Assess the impact of grey squirrel control | any |
Map the current habitat mosaic across the site | any |
Investigate the likely effects of climate change and possible adaptations we can put in place | any |
Report on water quality and flow through the site | any |
Report on the value of timber across the site and how to get best outputs whilst improving habitats | any |
Conduct an invertebrate study of the tree canopy | spring/summer/autumn |
Conduct an invertebrate study of ground habitats | spring/summer/autumn |
Conduct a study of the black hairstreak butterfly | summer |
Survey current bat populations and roosts | spring/summer/autumn |
Cavenham Heath NNR
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Topic | season |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Investigate possible reasons for the recent decline of the woodlark and tree pipit as breeding species on the reserve | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 01638 721329)
Chippenham Fen NNR
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Topic | season |
Repeat the tree ring analysis undertaken by Kassas 1946 to show the impact of water levels on tree growth | any |
Research to further our understanding of the silver barred moth and its distribution on the Fen | spring/summer |
Investigate factors that have contributed to an increase in the dominance of rush spp in the fen meadows | any |
Research into the geomorphology of the reserve – in particular the origin of the raised banks/ridges on the fen | any |
Contact: (or telephone 01638 721329)
Dersingham Bog
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Topic | season |
Design and undertake a visitor survey at Dersingham Bog NNR to understand where visitors are coming from, why they visit the site and what aspects of it they find special | March-September |
Develop a study to look at nightjar nest site selection through the creation of 1x1m nest plots in a variety of vegetation types at Dersingham Bog NNR - this will help us to understand the habitat requirements of nesting nightjar and allow us in the future to create nightjar nesting sites away from higher density public access in preferable habitat | February for plot creation and late April to mid-August for data collection |
Hales Wood NNR
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Topic | season |
Survey the current deer populations and how they impact the site | any |
Conduct a butterfly survey across the site | spring/summer |
Map the tree species across the site and assess ash dieback | any |
Assess the value of timber and how to get best outputs whilst improving habitats | any |
Scolt Head Island NNR
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Topic | season |
Fixed point photography- collate, digitise and present historical fixed point photography from Scolt Head Island and undertake a new set of photos. Important for understanding coastal process and vegetation change | any |
Undertake vegetation surveys on Scolt Head Island NNR and map and compare changes from previous surveys. This will allow us to understand habitat change on site over a wide time period and allow us to effectively plan future management and research | spring/summer/autumn |
East Midlands
Collyweston Great Wood and Easton Hornstocks NNR
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Topic | season |
Survey the current deer populations and how they impact the site | any |
Investigate the likely effects of climate change and possible adaptations we can put in place | any |
Report on the value of timber across the site and how to get best outputs whilst improving habitats | any |
Conduct an invertebrate study of the tree canopy | spring/summer/autumn |
Conduct an invertebrate study of ground habitats | spring/summer/autumn |
Survey current bat populations and roosts | spring/summer/autumn |
Saltfleetby-Theddlethorpe Dunes NNR
Find out more about this reserve.
Topic | Season |
Common lizard population - creation of a habitat baseline for common lizard (Zootoca vivipara); their food source and habitat requirement. How the species uses the site, how spatially dispersed and general autecology | spring/summer/autumn |
Grazing on saltmarsh - exploring the upper saltmarsh grazing, benefits to saltmarsh, birds, invertebrate and any other ecological benefit. Animal behaviour; visitor impact | summer/autumn |
Rabbit warrens mapping - where the main warren is, are they the same community, changes in behaviour with management. Animal behaviour; rabbit population and diseases | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Water voles - population use of the site; habitat management; predator; animal behaviour; visitor impact | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Pools and water bodies - comparison on grazed versus ungrazed location. Review of vegetation colonisation, communities, specialist species, non-native; natterjack; odonata | spring/summer/autumn |
Dune restoration/ dune creation vegetation colonisation - assessment of dune geomorphology and vegetation colonisation comparison; invasive species clematis, dewberry, sea buckthorn | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Hydro-ecology of dunes and wet grassland - assessment of wet grassland ecology, dipwell monitoring, rewetting grassland | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Social science – visitor engagement; art; wellbeing. We are keen to develop other ways of communicating with our audience about the benefits of the natural environment. Nature conservation through, for example art, history, music. New ways of engaging with our visitors | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Social science – valuing the dunes. Arts-based/social science exploration of a Lincolnshire coastal reserve landscape: dune, marsh, mudflat, tidal landscape; particular focus on the value of this landscape and place for people’s health and wellbeing | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Social science – sharing the dunes. Social science/arts study identifying opportunities for multi-user visitor and engagement experiences | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
Social science – military history; bunkers, military use, concrete | spring/summer/autumn/winter |
North east of England
Castle Eden Dene
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Topic | season |
Write a management plan for land adjacent to the NNR to improve local biodiversity | any |
Produce a nitrogen action plan | any |
Survey the Durham coast for slow worm | spring/summer |
Survey Castle Eden burn and produce a bankside and riparian habitat improvement plan | any |
Undertake a study to record regeneration of woodland flora after clear fell operations in the softwood areas of woodland | any |
Juniper is an important species in the Dene, but is disappearing. This project needs to map the current extent of the plant and explore reasons for its demise and possible remedies | spring/summer |
Conduct an invertebrate study at the reserve | spring/summer |
Survey the great crested newt population in the still water bodies of the reserve | spring/summer |
Survey the current bat population and roost sites in the woodland area | any |
Undertake a study mapping the distribution of key vegetation such as rare vascular plants including rare orchids | spring/summer |
Survey populations and investigate the feasibility of reintroducing rare vascular plants including rare orchids that are disappearing from the site | summer |
Assess human disturbance to Durham brown argus populations on coastal grasslands | summer |
Investigation into entomological diversity of Dene; is it still the most diverse NNR in England (1986)? | spring/summer |
Predict effects of ash dieback and the success of natural regeneration | any |
Investigate reptile species found in the Dene, including determining if slow worm populations are still present | summer |
Survey populations of dragonfly reproducing in the ponds and watercourses | summer |
Study the diversity of amphibians living across the number of ponds | summer |
Contact: or telephone 07979 873504
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Topic | season |
Assess effects of human disturbance to wintering / breeding birds (dog walkers, water sports, industry) | winter/summer |
Investigate and map invasive species threatening diversity of wet meadows and sand dunes | summer |
Survey a number of rare vascular plants including rare orchids | summer |
Survey current invertebrate species and populations | spring/summer |
Investigate and assess changes in invertebrate prey availability and bird usage in a 3ha tidal exchange system originally created in 1993 (some baseline data already exists) | any |
Investigate the impact of microplastics and their threat to wildlife | any |
Survey for reptile species using the reserve | summer |
Survey populations of dragonfly reproducing in the ponds and wet meadows | summer |
Undertake a study mapping the distribution of key vegetation such as rare vascular plants including rare orchids | summer |
Study the diversity of amphibians living across the number of ponds and wet meadows | summer |
Contact: (or telephone 07803 228394)
Thrislington Plantation
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Topic | season |
Survey populations and distributions of northern brown argus butterfly and their larval foodplant, Helianthemum nummularium | spring/summer/autumn |
Survey rare plant species and plan management to for their conservation | spring/summer |
Undertake a vegetation survey to assess the effects of climate change using comparable historical data | spring/summer |
Investigating the effects and control of invasive species such as southern brome/purple moor grass on magnesian limestone grasslands | summer |
Investigate the importance of scrub for invertebrate communities within species rich grassland | spring/summer/autumn |
Survey current invertebrate species and populations | spring/summer |
Undertake a study of gastropod (snail) populations, compare with similar grassland sites, then determine the effect on glow worm populations | summer |
Undertake a study mapping the distribution of key vegetation such as rare vascular plants including rare orchids | summer |
Investigate the site soil and vegetation to explore why invasive southern brome is absent from some parts of the compartment and not others | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 07979 873504)
North west of England
Cabin Hill
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Topic | season |
Investigate the impacts of the 2013 grass-fire at the reserve and adjacent area, assessing vegetation recovery over time on the affected area by comparing burnt with adjacent unburned habitats. | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 01704 578774)
Hallsenna Moor
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Topic | season |
Survey the invertebrate species within the NNR | spring/summer |
Moss Side Farm
Nature recovery land close to the Manchester Mosses - Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Topic | season |
Investigate the water quality in the local ditch system and on the restored land | any |
Investigate the invertebrate populations across the developing habitats | spring-summer |
Investigate transpiration rates across the developing habitats | any |
Investigate air quality across the site | any |
Investigate the opportunities for species reintroductions | any |
Investigate the impacts of covid populations on nesting birds | spring-summer |
Investigate small mammal populations | spring-autumn |
London and south east of England
Aston Rowant
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Topic | season |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 07970 195090)
Castle Hill
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Topic | season |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Wart-biter cricket (Decticus verrucivorus) standardised surveys to assess population size, with analysis of vegetation composition and structure, at Castle Hill and Mount Caburn NNRs | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 07825 280931)
Kingley Vale
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Topic | season |
Bees are under-recorded at Kingley Vale NNR. Investigate which species use Kingley Vale and their distribution in relation to the habitats and land management | spring/summer |
Study of scrub encroachment at Kingley Vale NNR using existing fixed point photography and historic aerial photography | any |
Study of the history of grazing at Kingley Vale NNR using existing records to determine long term changes to grassland and invertebrate diversity | spring/summer |
Chalk heath is in decline. Study of the existing extent of chalk heath at Kingley Vale NNR | spring/summer |
Are reptile populations affected by visitor numbers and permitted recreational activities at Kingley Vale NNR? | spring/summer |
Kingley Vale NNR has an estimated 30,000 yew trees with a handful possibly being over 2000 years old. Compare invertebrates and lichens from the young trees to the ancient trees | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 01243 575353)
Lewes Downs (Mount Caburn)
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Topic | season |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Contact: (or telephone 07825 280931)
Lullington Heath
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Topic | season |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Is there any correlation between levels of atmospheric pollutants and prevailing climatic conditions at the reserve? Comparison of data collected hourly from automatic pollution monitoring station and meteorological station | any time of year |
Monitoring development of chalk heath plant community, using permanent quadrats, making comparisons with previous surveys to identify changes in community composition at the reserve | summer |
Contact: (or telephone 07825 280931)
Martin Down
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The reserve offers potential for research in the fields of ecology, entomology, botany and conservation.
Find out more about this reserve
Topic | season |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Investigate the spread of common read (Phragmites australis) on the mire system of the reserve. What effects on hydrology, sediment build up, water flow and possible succession | any time of year |
Investigate the water chemistry of the reserve’s mire system - water quality, nutrient status, chemical analysis | spring/summer/autumn |
Hydrological investigation of the reserve. Utilise data gathered from the initial work on a hydrological survey to further investigate: water movement, flow rates, dispersion, micro topography (LIDAR). Could be linked in with above project | summer/autumn |
Contact: (or telephone 01428 685675)
South west of England
Cotswold Commons and Beechwoods NNR
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Topic | season |
Undertake a study of pheasant populations within Cotswold Commons and Beechwoods and their impact on the wildlife of the National Nature Reserve | spring/summer/autumn |
Carry out research into the impacts of pheasants on reptiles within Cotswold Commons and Beechwoods | spring/summer/autumn |
Conduct bat survey in Buckholt Woods with principal aims to compile species list, identify any particular areas of importance for bats in the woods and consider how the woodland might be improved for bat, such as by erecting bat boxes | spring/summer/autumn |
East Dartmoor Woods and Heaths NNR
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Topic | season |
Compare the vegetation records taken from the Long Term Monitoring Network vegetation plots in 2017 with those taken in 2013 and 2010 | any |
Undertake survey and monitoring using footprint traps to identify and map dormouse use of the NNR | spring/summer |
Investigate the extent of holly primary in Yarner Wood and compare with past projects | any |
Survey ground nesting birds that use the heathland and help formulate a burning / cutting plan | spring/summer |
Monitor the heathland breeding bird populations, including Dartford warblers and nightjars | spring/summer |
Repeat the survey on fritillary butterflies and compare the results with past surveys | spring/summer |
Survey possible areas of blue ground beetle habitat in Bovey Valley woodlands | autumn/winter |
Repeat night time survey of blue ground beetle (timed counts) in Bovey Valley woodlands and Dendles Wood | spring/summer |
Carry out citizen science survey of lichens along wood banks with volunteers | summer |
Repeat the belt transect at Dendles Wood and assess all changes to living and dead vegetation since 2010 | any |
Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)
Golitha Falls
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Topic | season |
Undertake research to understand the level and source of nitrogen deposition affecting the NNR, the effects on the lower plant assemblage (bryophytes and / or lichens) and possible mitigation measures for any significant effects identified | any |
Map visitor use of the NNR and identify any potential impact on lower plant communities, including possible effects of trampling on lichen communities on boulders | any |
Undertake a vegetation survey to map woodland plant communities within the NNR. Identify areas vulnerable to species composition change resulting from Ash dieback | spring/summer |
Undertake a fungi survey to provide baseline data (species list) and map any potentially important zones | autumn |
Survey possible areas of blue ground beetle habitat within the NNR and undertake surveys for blue ground beetle | spring/summer |
Undertake survey and monitoring using footprint traps to identify and map dormouse use of the NNR | spring/summer |
Undertake survey and monitoring to identify bat species using the NNR, and identify any particular areas of importance for bats at Golitha Falls | spring/summer |
What motivates the public to visit Golitha Falls, how did they learn about the NNR and what do they expect from their visit | any |
Undertake survey and monitoring to identify butterfly species using the NNR | spring/summer |
Undertake survey and monitoring to identify bird species using the NNR. This may be through Breeding Bird Survey, mist netting (with relevant BTO permit) or reactivating existing nest box survey on the NNR | spring/summer or any for mist netting |
Goss Moor
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Topic | season |
Model the hydrology of the site by using historic research papers and by conducting new research | any time of year |
Carry out a baseline survey of water quality across all water bodies (bogs, fens, ponds and streams) | any time of year |
Investigate the success of large scale scrub management by mulching as a form of heathland / fenland restoration | summer |
Investigate the current and past distribution of mature willow carr and scrub by surveys and the use of aerial photography | any time of year |
Investigate the distribution and population of adders and grass-snake | April to October |
Investigate the distribution and population of eels | any time of year |
Investigate atmospheric pollution and its likely impact to the reserve | any time of year |
Determine visitor numbers to the reserve and then map visitor usage of the reserve | summer |
What motivates the public to visit the reserve, where do they come from and how do they get here? | spring/summer |
Map cattle and pony GPS collars. Analyse how the ponies and cattle interact and their impact on the habitat | any time of year |
Investigate the potential for improved grassland to be converted to a wildflower or herbal ley meadow | any time of year |
Survey the presence or absence of the water vole population | March to September |
Investigate antisocial behaviour on the reserve, such as fly tipping and motor bikes | any time of year |
Assess soil carbon sequestration at the farm and on the reserve | any time of year |
Somerset Wetlands
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Topic | season |
Distribution of freshwater invertebrates in ditch networks of the Somerset Wetlands NNRs – opportunity to monitor rare water beetles. Active volunteer project is in place where you may benefit from knowledgeable local naturalists and help with data collection | March to June |
Wistman’s Wood
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Topic | season |
Investigate animal movements and grazing preferences in and around Wistman’s Wood | any |
Establish the amount of natural regeneration occurring throughout the site within and outside the current woodland cover comparing with the regeneration occurring with the enclosure. Possible comparison with Black a tor copse | spring /summer |
Investigate woodland change using fixed point photography, some dating back to early this century | any |
Contact: (or telephone 01626 831581)
West Midlands region
Downton Gorge
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Topic | season |
Review / collation of existing research into the effects of pheasant rearing on invertebrates, ground flora and herptiles (literary research) | any |
Investigate the potential for using camera traps to monitor fallow deer usage of the site. Some previous data is available. | most useful in winter |
The Stiperstones
Find out more about this reserve
Topic | season |
Behavioural field study of the interaction between pheasant and red grouse | any |
Repeat the 2002 grassland survey (plant ID required) | any |
Undertake the monitoring of the reserve ridge path through measurement and photographic comparison (previously carried out in 1989 and 1998) to investigate erosion of the path. (Could also use aerial drone footage on file.) | preferably September / October |
Carry out a survey of woodland birds in the upland oak woodland of the reserve and investigate distribution in relation to woodland vegetation communities and management (requires good bird song ID) | spring |
Investigate the distribution of hairy wood ant in the upland oak woodland (some previous data available) to determine the relative importance of environmental factors on nest location | summer |
Investigation into the genetic variability of hairy wood ants and its significance to the isolated population on the Stiperstones | summer |
Determine the accuracy of existing reserve visitor counters and then map visitor usage of the reserve | summer |
Compare the effects of cutting and burning as methods of managing heathland through analysis of regeneration of dwarf shrubs (cuts and burns are mapped annually) | summer |
Investigate the factors that contribute to the distribution of cowberry and crowberry within the heathland. Link with Long Mynd as a potential restoration area. | spring / summer / autumn |
Investigate the potential of remote sensing to map dwarf shrub and bracken cover of the heathland | summer |
Yorkshire and the Humber
Duncombe Park
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Topic | season |
Further analysis of the veteran tree data set looking at ‘death rates’ and tree decline rates by species and in particular modelling of existing populations using existing ‘death rates’ to assess the future likely makeup of the parkland trees and required ‘replacement rates’ | any |
Undertake a project to assess the extent and effects of ash dieback | any, but summer easier to access |
Further assessment of the waxcap populations | September/ October |
Contact: (or telephone 07821 352968)
Forge Valley Woods
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Topic | season |
Survey the current deer populations and/or grey squirrels and how they impact the trees on the reserve | any |
Undertake a project to assess the extent and effects of ash dieback | any, but summer easier to access |
Contact: (or telephone 07821 352968)