Corporate report

Biennial report on reservoir safety: 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022

Updated 26 July 2023

Applies to England

1. Executive summary

This report is a review of reservoir compliance and enforcement of the 2,117 large raised reservoirs (LRRs) in England. It covers the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022.

It includes:

  • work done by the Environment Agency’s National Reservoir Safety Team to protect the public
  • actions taken to ensure compliance with the Reservoir Act 1975
  • data on reservoir registration, compliance and enforcement actions taken

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021 changed working practices across England. We worked hard to keep the public safe from reservoirs at all times. We kept non-compliance figures low.

The reservoir safety industry learnt many lessons from the incident at Toddbrook Reservoir in 2019. Government commissioned 2 independent reports by Professor David Balmforth and accepted his recommendations for improving the reservoir safety regime. You can read more about this in appendix 2.

All registered LRRs must now have an onsite flood plan. These explain what to do at the site in the event of an incident.

In April 2021, a ministerial direction gave reservoir undertakers one year to have an onsite flood plan certified by a panel engineer. On 31 December 2022 all operational reservoirs in England met this requirement.

Over the last 2 years, reservoirs have been well managed by their undertakers. There have been no significant incidents resulting in loss of life or the total failure of a dam or reservoir.

Weather extremes are increasing due to climate change. Our infrastructure is also aging. It is increasingly important that we manage the safety of England’s reservoirs to the highest possible standard.

We are:

  • working to improve and share knowledge to help with this
  • carrying out research
  • regularly working with national and international partners

2. Background

Reservoirs in England have a good safety record. The last reservoir failure that led to loss of life in England was more than 100 years ago. Twenty-one people died after the failure of 2 dams in North Wales in 1925. This tragedy led to the passing of the Reservoir (Safety Provisions) Act 1930.

Parliament updated and superseded this act with the Reservoirs Act 1975 (the Act). Parliament amended this later act by means of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

The Water Act 2003 transferred the responsibility for enforcing the Reservoirs Act 1975 in England and Wales from local authorities to the Environment Agency. On 1 April 2013, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) became the enforcement authority for LRRs in Wales. We (the Environment Agency) remain responsible for LRRs in England.

Although the safety record in England is good, we cannot become complacent. The risk from reservoirs is significant. Reservoir operators and owners (undertakers) are responsible for making sure their reservoirs are safe.

Our role, as the regulator, is to make sure that undertakers follow the legal safety requirements of the Act. We follow the Regulators Code, which means we regulate in a consistent, fair and risk-based way.

3. Our role

We, the Environment Agency, track compliance at all LRRs in England. Natural Resources Wales does this in Wales. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) regulates according to the Reservoirs (Scotland) Act 2011.

As the regulator, we must:

  • maintain a register of all reservoirs
  • make sure that undertakers follow the Act by monitoring compliance and engaging with them
  • make sure that undertakers appoint a construction engineer - their role is to supervise the construction, alteration, discontinuance or abandonment of LRRs
  • make sure that undertakers have emergency onsite flood plans in place for their reservoirs – these must set out the actions they would take to control flooding in the unlikely event of a reservoir emergency
  • designate reservoirs as ‘high risk’ if an uncontrolled release of water from the reservoir could endanger human life
  • make sure that undertakers appoint a supervising engineer for their high risk reservoirs
  • make sure that undertakers have their high risk reservoirs inspected by inspecting engineers
  • make sure undertakers carry out any safety measures recommended by inspecting engineers
  • appoint engineers and commission safety work when an undertaker does not comply with the Act - we charge undertakers for this
  • appoint engineers and take any other action necessary in an emergency - we charge undertakers for this
  • make sure that undertakers report reservoir incidents and share lessons learnt from them
  • make sure that we observe and follow the requirements of the Act for our own reservoirs

Our role extends beyond monitoring the compliance of LRRs.

We also:

  • take enforcement actions on undertakers who fail to comply with the Act, when it is appropriate to do so
  • work with undertakers to provide advice and guidance so they can operate their reservoirs safely
  • engage with the British Dam Society (BDS) and Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) to improve knowledge and capability in the industry
  • work with Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) on the review and reappointment of engineers
  • advise Defra on operational implications of policy
  • lead and inform research and development projects
  • work with international partners to share knowledge and lessons learned to improve our own practises
  • commission and maintain reservoir flood maps for all operational reservoirs, for emergency planning and risk assessment purposes
  • contribute to legislative reviews and improvements

We operate 219 of the 2,117 reservoirs in England for flood risk and water management purposes. This is done by our area teams and overseen by 25 different supervising engineers. We do this to keep our operational and regulatory roles separate.

Sixteen of these 219 reservoirs are under the supervision of an independent construction engineer. These reservoirs are either being built or altered.

4. Our activities

We have achieved many of the objectives set out in the 2019 to 2020 biennial report.

4.1 Communication

We have introduced account managers to improve communication with the industry. They act as a single point of contact to major undertakers.

Account managers have helped to:

  • make communication easier when discussing non-compliance
  • ensure roles and responsibilities are well understood
  • improve the relationships we have with the reservoir community

We are also investigating how we can reach stakeholders who may not have previously needed to know the details of the Act. We are doing this through our reservoir safety reform programme.

We want to continue to find ways of improving communication and outreach with:

  • undertakers
  • engineers
  • the industry

We have listened to feedback that it can be difficult to communicate with us.

We will introduce a digital service in 2023 which will make updating details and communicating with us easier. This is a phased project which will allow supervising engineers to submit their annual statements online. Other submissions will be included in future updates.

We continue to work with BDS and ICE.

This includes:

  • attending events and working closely with the new reservoirs committee
  • using their input to shape change
  • considering ideas from all stakeholders in any changes made
  • increasing our outreach to share knowledge and provide advice across the country

We are also working to increase awareness of the Act, our role and how this improves public safety. We hope this will continue to improve the standards of reservoir safety management. It will also help us reach people and groups who may not have previously been aware.

We have developed our relationships with international partners and shared experiences and lessons learned. We continue to work closely with the devolved administrations in the United Kingdom.

4.2 Guidance

The 2019 Toddbrook incident review report made several recommendations to improve guidance. We published 7 new documents in 2022.

There are 3 technical guides for engineers and specialists on:

There are also 4 new guidance documents for engineers and undertakers:

4.3 Flood maps

We published updated reservoir flood maps on 9 November 2021. These help emergency responders make better informed decisions when managing reservoir incidents.

The new maps now have 2 flood extents.

These are wet and dry day scenarios:

  • a wet day map shows what may flood if the reservoir failed at the same time as the rivers were already extremely flooded
  • a dry day map shows what will flood when the rivers are not in flood.

You can see the updated maps on the publicly available check the long term flood risk for an area in England service. You can download them from

We also published a reservoir flood maps when and how to use them guidance page.

This is for:

  • spatial planners
  • developers
  • reservoir owners
  • engineers

We will publish maps for reservoirs which have been completed after 2016 in the next 2 years. As part of our continual improvement, we are aiming to introduce a rolling programme of reservoir flood mapping. This would mean that future reservoirs are mapped when they are built, after we receive the construction report.

4.4 Onsite flood plans

The Toddbrook incident highlighted the importance of having an onsite emergency flood plan. Defra issued a ministerial direction on 12 April 2021 that all LRRs must have a certified onsite flood plan. This must be tested regularly.

On 31 December 2022, all operational LRRs in England met this requirement. You can read more about onsite flood plans in Appendix 1.

Government commissioned Professor David Balmforth to independently review the Toddbrook incident and England’s reservoir safety regime. His 2 reports were published in March 2020 and May 2021 respectively.

Professor Balmforth made 15 recommendations in his May 2021 independent reservoir safety review report. Government accepted these recommendations in a ministerial statement on 20 July 2022.

We are working with Defra to carry out these recommendations in a reservoir safety reform project. You can read more about these recommendations in Appendix 2.

5. A risk-based approach to enforcement

The main causes of non-compliance are where an undertaker has not:

  • appointed a supervising engineer to oversee ongoing safety
  • appointed an inspecting engineer to carry out the statutory inspection
  • completed safety measures identified by the inspecting engineer by the date specified in the inspection report

We continue to focus on reservoirs which pose the greatest risk to public safety. Our main priority is to make sure reservoirs have the correct supervision and that safety works are carried out when required. We make sure that reservoirs always have a construction or supervising engineer appointed. Not having an engineer appointed at the right time poses a significant risk to the safety of that reservoir.

A construction engineer supervises a reservoir when it is being built or altered. They will issue a final certificate when the work is completed. The undertaker must then appoint a supervising engineer.

A supervising engineer supervises a high-risk reservoir once it has been built and is in operation. This is a continuous appointment. They visit the reservoir and write an annual statement for the undertaker.

This statement includes the actions:

  • they have taken to monitor the reservoir
  • the undertaker has taken to maintain the reservoir

The supervising engineer is the most important contact if an issue arises at a reservoir.

The undertaker must employ an inspecting engineer to carry out a statutory inspection of a high-risk reservoir at least once every 10 years. This is not a continuous appointment.

The inspecting engineer produces a report and directs the undertaker to carry out any required safety measures. These will have deadlines which the undertaker must meet. The inspecting engineer must certify when any measures are completed.

We provide:

  • advice and support about complying with the Act when asked
  • advice and guidance on how to comply with the Act if a non-compliance offence is committed

We do this in writing or by meeting the undertakers. If the offence persists or is serious, we will escalate and take formal enforcement action. When we do this, we follow the Regulators Code. We apply the following principles:

  • act proportionately
  • be consistent
  • be transparent
  • target enforcement action
  • be accountable

5.1 Risk designation

We assign a risk designation to each LRR in England. The designation level is based on risk to life in the event of an uncontrolled release of water from the reservoir.

There are 2 designation levels:

  • high-risk
  • not high-risk

High-risk reservoirs must fulfil all the requirements of the Act. There are also some specific elements which ‘not high-risk’ reservoirs must fulfil.

LRRs which are classed as ‘not high-risk’ do not need a:

  • supervising engineer appointed
  • statutory inspection

Undertakers must still register the reservoir and report any incidents. They should inform us if anything changes on site or downstream which might alter the risk designation. These changes could include property developments downstream or alterations to the reservoir.

We provide a risk designation once we receive a final certificate from a construction engineer.

There may be reservoirs which do not yet have a risk designation. This can happen where they have been newly constructed or recently altered. If an undertaker has requested a review or appealed a risk designation, a provisional designation will be in place.

Table 1 shows the risk designation status of large raised reservoirs in England.

Table 1: reservoir risk designation status

Status on 31 December 2022 Number of reservoirs
Reservoirs under construction or alteration 130
Reservoirs under construction (before designation) 116
Provisional high-risk 13
High-risk (including provisional) 1699
Not high-risk 293
Not yet determined 125
Reviews of designation 4
Appeals of designation 0

Of the 130 reservoirs under construction:

  • 20 have a preliminary section 7(1) certificate – this confirms that the reservoir has reached a stage of construction where it can be wholly or partially filled with water
  • 110 are not yet ready to be filled with water

5.2 Reservoir information

Table 2 shows the number of engineering activities at LRRs.

Table 2: reservoir information recorded between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2022

Reservoir information recorded Number of reservoirs
Number of supervising engineers appointed by or on behalf of the undertaker 477
Number of certificates issued after the satisfactory completion of an inspection under Section 10 of the Act 298
Number of these certificates which contained measures to be taken in the interests of safety 168
Number of Section 10(6) certificates showing that measures to be taken in the interests of safety had been satisfactorily completed 176

56% of Section 10 inspection certificates contained safety measures. This is an increase from 39% in 2019-2020. The number of section 10(6) certificates is higher than the number of certificates after an inspection. This is because deadlines to complete measures can be more than 1 to 2 years.

Table 3 shows the number of reservoirs owned by each type of undertaker

Table 3: total number of reservoirs by undertaker type

Undertaker type Number of reservoirs % of total number of reservoirs
Water companies 664 31.4
Private landowners and trusts 346 16.3
Farms 327 15.4
Environment Agency 219 10.3
Local authority 173 8.2
Industrial and commercial 114 5.4
Canal and Rivers Trust 70 3.3
National Trust 44 2.1
Registered charities 42 2.0
Recreational clubs and associations 42 2.0
Other government agencies and departments 40 1.9
Other/unknown 19 0.9
Fish farms 9 0.4
Universities, colleges and schools 7 0.3

There were 21 newly constructed reservoirs recorded between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2022. Of these, 20 had a preliminary section 7(1) certificate.

Table 4 shows which undertaker types have constructed new reservoirs.

Table 4: information on newly constructed reservoirs by undertaker type

Undertaker type Number of reservoirs
Registered charities 2
Environment Agency 5
Farms 3
Local authority 3
Private landowners and trusts 2
Water companies 2

Table 5 shows the risk designation of newly constructed reservoirs.

Table 5: breakdown of risk designations of newly constructed reservoirs

Undertaker type Not yet determined High risk Provisional high risk Not high risk
Registered charities 1 0 0 2
Environment Agency 1 4 0 0
Farms 0 2 1 0
Local authority 3 0 0 0
Private landowners and trusts 1 0 3 0
Water companies 0 3 1 0

5.3 Compliance figures

High-risk reservoirs must have a supervising engineer appointed at all times. The number of reservoirs without a supervising engineer has decreased over the last 6 years.

In 2017, there were 8 reservoirs with no supervising engineer. This decreased to 2 by 31 December 2022. There was a slight increase in 2020, probably due to restrictions in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of 31 December 2022, there were 5 reservoirs with an inspection due, but no inspection engineer appointed. Of those 5, all have a supervising engineer appointed. There were also 10 reservoirs with an inspection overdue by more than a year, but with an inspecting engineer appointed.

We have included reservoirs where the inspection has taken place, but we have not yet received the report. The Act allows 6 months for an engineer to finalise their report. This contributes to the higher non-compliance figures because we do not know the date of the inspection until we receive the report. The overdue dates will then be updated. Non-compliance with inspections has decreased in the last 6 years.

On 31 December 2017, 13 reservoirs had an inspection due with no engineer appointed (3 on 31 December 2020). Eleven had an inspection overdue by more than a year but had an engineer appointed (5 on 31 December 2020).

We issue a formal notice when an undertaker fails to appoint an inspecting engineer by the inspection due date. Undertakers must then appoint an engineer within 28 days.

There were 56 reservoirs with outstanding safety measures. This is a decrease from 65 on 1 Jan 2021. This is shown in table 6.

Table 6: non compliances from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022

Non-compliance status Situation on 1 January 2021 Situation on 31 December 2022
Number with no supervising engineer appointed 5 2
Inspection due, and no inspecting engineer appointed 3 5
Section 10 inspection overdue by more than a year, but an inspecting engineer has been appointed 5 11
Measures in the interests of safety that have not been completed by the deadline set by the inspecting engineer 65 56
Reservoirs in operation with no onsite flood plan Not applicable 0

Until we give notice of a final high-risk designation, the provisional risk designation may change. In these figures, the risk designation is not final for:

  • 2 reservoirs with no supervising engineer appointed
  • 3 reservoirs with outstanding safety measures
  • 11 reservoirs with an inspection overdue by more than a year but with an inspecting engineer appointed

5.4 Serving enforcement notices

We may serve an enforcement notice if an undertaker does not comply after advice and guidance is given.

We will serve formal notice if an undertaker does not appoint an engineer when required and after reminding. The undertaker must then make the appointment within 28 days.

If an undertaker does not complete safety measures by a given deadline we will take several steps.

We will:

  • ask the undertaker why they have not completed the measures
  • issue a formal notice for completion of the measures if there is no response
  • Issue a final warning letter if they miss the notice date

If the breach is significant and there are no reasonable mitigating circumstances, we may prosecute. We served a total of 51 notices in this reporting period. Of these, 32 cases are now compliant. Table 7 shows the number of notices served between January 2021 and December 2022.

Table 7: number of notices served 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022

Section of the Act Non-compliance Number of notices served
Section 10(7)(a) Failure to appoint an inspecting engineer 2
Section 12(4) Failure to appoint a supervising engineer 5
Section 10(7)(b) Failure to complete safety measures by stipulated deadline(s) section 10(3) 19
Section 17(1)(e) Powers of entry 11
Section 8(1) Failure to appoint a construction engineer 1
Section 21A Power to require information 12
Section 16(1) Emergency powers 1

The number of outstanding safety measures in Table 6 is higher than the number of notices served in Table 7. This is because overdue measures do not always need a notice to encourage an undertaker to comply. Often, the non-compliance can be fixed with advice and guidance.

Table 8 shows the number of notices served by undertaker type.

Table 8: number of notices served by undertaker type

Served Notices per Undertaker Type Total to record
Industrial and commercial 10
Local Authority 7
Farms 5
Private landowners and trusts 17
Recreational clubs and associations 8
Other 4

5.5 Other enforcement action

We may issue a written warning if an undertaker is still non-compliant after the notice deadline. We issued one of these warnings for overdue safety measures between January 2021 and December 2022.

We also issued 48 written warnings for reservoirs which did not hold certified flood plans by the deadline. They are now all compliant.

We are currently investigating 51 reservoirs and may take enforcement action depending on the results.

We apply a risk-based approach to achieve the right outcome for safety. This means we have used our professional judgement to take appropriate action. That action could be to issue advice and guidance or could go as far as carrying out emergency works. We carried out emergency works at one reservoir between January 2021 and December 2022.

We take this approach so that we can achieve safe outcomes in line with the Regulators Code. It is not always appropriate for us to take punitive enforcement action if a reservoir becomes non-compliant.

5.6 Local enforcement position

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed a temporary Local Enforcement Position (LEP) to account for any potential difficulties in carrying out safety works. Our priority remained protecting people downstream of reservoirs. To keep the public safe, we expected undertakers and engineers to comply with the Act despite COVID-19 restrictions.

We carefully considered each case which applied for a LEP. We did not grant LEPs to all cases. In some cases, we advised the undertaker to make alternative arrangements to comply with the Act. We granted 19 LEPs, giving specific conditions in each case. These granted extensions for up to 3 months. Undertakers had to ensure suitable mitigating action was taken to ensure the dam remained safe throughout the works. We are no longer accepting LEPs for COVID-19.

5.7 Environment Agency reservoirs

We are the undertaker for 219 LRRs in England.

There was one case of non-compliance at one of the reservoirs we operate. We sent a letter of warning to the relevant director of operations. The non-compliance related to overdue measures in the interest of safety. It is now compliant.

5.8 Incident reporting

Undertakers must report any reportable incidents which happen at their reservoir. A reportable incident is “an incident which results, or could result, in the uncontrolled release of water from a large raised reservoir.”

This also includes where “measures have been taken to prevent any or any further uncontrolled release of water and to minimise the danger to human life”.

We use this information to improve safety by:

  • investigating incidents where appropriate
  • informing the industry of any trends and important lessons identified
  • contributing to research into reservoir safety and incident analysis

We publish detailed information in our annual post incident report. This means those involved in reservoir safety can learn from past incidents.

Reporting is only mandatory for incidents at large raised reservoirs. We encourage undertakers to report incidents at small raised reservoirs on a voluntary basis.

Table 9: reported incidents

Reported incidents 2013 to 2020 2021 to 2022
Incidents at large raised reservoirs 69 19
Incidents at small raised reservoirs 5 3
Total number of reported incidents 74 22

Incident reporting became mandatory in 2013. Since then, an average of 8 incidents have been reported each year.

We expect that the number of incident reports may increase in the future. This is not necessarily because more incidents are happening. Instead, we expect to receive more reports as the reporting culture improves.

We are working to raise awareness of the benefits that incident reporting brings. We continue to encourage undertakers to report all incidents, and near misses. We have not taken enforcement action to get incident reports, although we have issued reminders to undertakers where a report is due. Compliance with the regulations on incident reporting is generally seen to be good and improving.

6. The future

Carrying out the reservoir safety reform programme will lead to a lot of change over the next few years. Protecting the public and keeping reservoirs safe remains our utmost priority. We will continue to monitor compliance and enforcement as these changes take place.

You can read more about the reform programme in appendix 2.

We have increased the number of people working in our reservoir safety team. This means we can increase the scope of the priority activities which we regulate.

From 2023, we will be reporting on, and enforcing where appropriate:

  • offences under section 11(2) – keeping and updating the prescribed form of record
  • offences under section 10(5A) – maintenance measures
  • offences under section 4(1) – registration of large raised reservoirs

Section 11(2) requires undertakers to maintain a prescribed form of record for high-risk reservoirs. Undertakers must fill them in as directed by the Act and an inspecting engineer in a section 10 report. We will start enforcement action if the records are not maintained as directed.

An inspecting engineer can recommend measures “as to the maintenance of a reservoir” which an undertaker must carry out. The inspecting engineer writes these in the section 10 inspection report. They are not the same as measures in the interests of safety.

After construction, the construction engineer provides a final certificate for a reservoir. The undertaker has 28 days to formally register the reservoir. Schedule 1 (paragraphs 1 to 7) states the information required. We will now ask that this information is provided. We will record failure to supply this information within 28 days of the final certificate as a non-compliance.

We have introduced a new sub-team to support the recommendation to increase the regulatory role and powers of the Environment Agency. This team will be dedicated to assessing the standards of submissions. We will employ panel engineers to review engineer’s submissions.

This team will also provide expert advice and guidance to undertakers and engineers.

We will:

  • use the ongoing quality assessment to update guidance and provide training
  • work with the industry to make expectations clear and encourage good management practices

6.1 Reporting

We will be changing the way we manage incident reporting.

This includes:

  • updating the incident reporting forms
  • changing the way we share lessons learned
  • changing the incident categories to capture more accurate data
  • encouraging near miss reporting

We hope this will increase outreach and improve how we can use this data to analyse trends. It will make it easier for the public and other interested parties to learn from incidents and allow more targeted research. Together, these actions will continue to improve reservoir safety.

In 2023, we will offer a programme where owners of small raised reservoirs can voluntarily provide information about their reservoirs to us. This is to ask owners to help us look into what reservoirs exist.

We hope that by 2024 we will have enough information for Defra and government to determine whether changes to legislation are required. This would be for reservoirs under 25,000 cubic metres capacity.

7. Appendix 1: onsite flood plans

On 12 April 2021, ministers issued a direction to undertakers regarding LRRs in England. This states that all operational LRRs must have and maintain an emergency onsite flood plan.

This applies if the reservoir is:

  • designated high-risk
  • designated not high-risk
  • under construction

If the reservoir is under construction, an engineer must certify the flood plan before they issue the preliminary certificate.

Undertakers needed to prepare the plans, and have a qualified civil engineer certify them within 12 months of being notified about the ministerial direction. For newly registered reservoirs, the 12 month period starts when the undertaker is notified by the Environment Agency. For reservoirs under construction, an onsite flood plan is required before the preliminary certificate can be provided.

Onsite flood plans describe the type of reservoir and details about the actions the undertaker should take to control the situation. This enables a rapid response to manage any onsite incidents and related flood risks.

The plans contain:

  • details of essential personnel
  • clear actions the undertaker will take to prevent or control and mitigate an uncontrolled release of water
  • reference to areas that are at risk from flooding off-site

The final point is important as the public living downstream of reservoirs may be unaware of the risk posed by reservoirs upstream. Having this information to hand enables the emergency services and local resilience forums to be quickly informed.

There are 2 elements of the onsite flood plan requirements. The first requires a qualified civil engineer to certify that the reservoir has an onsite flood plan prepared. The second is the testing direction. This directs the undertaker how frequently they need to test their plan. We monitored compliance with the Flood Plan (Reservoirs Emergency Planning) Direction 2021 against both submissions.

7.1 Action taken by the regulator ahead of the deadline

We took steps to ensure compliance with the ministerial direction and the act.

On 22 April 2021, we issued the direction to all large raised reservoir undertakers. The direction said that flood plans must be prepared and certified within 12 months from being notified of the requirement.

Enforcing this was a large piece of work for us. The risk of non-compliance was high.

We sent reminder emails to undertakers who had not submitted their certificates in July 2021, October 2021 and January 2022.

We issued a final warning letter to undertakers who had not sent certificates on 22 March 2022, one month before the deadline.

7.2 Action taken by the regulator after the deadline

On 23 April 2022 - the day after the deadline - 215 registered large raised reservoirs (approximately 10%) were still non-compliant. Engineers had 28 days after the deadline to submit certificates. We took no enforcement action until after the 28 days had passed.

We took a risk-based approach to enforcement. Our enforcement team began to issue Notices of Intent to Prosecute to non-compliant high-risk reservoirs at the start of June 2022. We sent the same letter to undertakers of non-compliant not high-risk reservoirs and reservoirs under construction at the end of July. These letters gave notice that enforcement proceedings would start within 28 days of the date on the letter. We asked undertakers to tell us about any mitigating circumstances for consideration. We issued 66 letters of intent to prosecute.

We allocated ongoing cases of non-compliance to Enforcement Officers who began individual investigations from June 2022.

We issued formal warning letters to undertakers who submitted certificates after the deadline. This letter made it clear that it was our opinion that they had committed an offence. However, we proposed no further action at this point. We reserved the option to take this matter back into consideration should they commit future offences under the Reservoirs Act. It was not considered appropriate or in the public interest in most cases to prosecute undertakers who complied after the deadline.

For any remaining non-compliant reservoirs after these steps had been taken, we issued an interview letter and questionnaire. The questionnaire contained a formal caution and questions that would:

  • clarify ownership
  • ask whether the plans were in draft
  • explore why the certificates were not submitted by the deadline

By 31 December, all reservoirs were compliant.

7.3 Outcome and statistics

Table 10: onsite flood plan non-compliance

Time Non-compliance (high-risk or risk designation not yet determined) Non-compliance (not high-risk) Non-compliance (total)
23 April 2022 155 58 213
May 2022 75 48 123
June 2022 62 50 112
July 2022 12 39 51
September 2022 6 5 11
October 2022 4 2 6
December 2022 0 0 0

7.4 Next steps

There is one case which we are taking forward to prosecution. This is because of an unacceptably late submission of their flood plans with poor mitigating circumstances

We will use lessons learned from this work to help with the Reservoir Safety Reform Programme.

The engineering community have raised concerns about a potential future bottleneck in workload. Onsite flood plans need testing and reviewing every 5 years. We will continue to provide advice and guidance to undertakers and engineers. We encourage early reviews where suitable.

8. Appendix 2: reservoir safety reform

Following the incident at Toddbrook reservoir in 2019, the Government commissioned Professor David Balmforth to review Reservoir Safety in England. The Part A and B reports were published in March 2020 and May 2021 respectively. In his (Part B) Independent Reservoir Safety Review Report, Professor Balmforth made 15 recommendations to improve the reservoir safety regime in England. On 20 July 2022, the then Secretary of State made a ministerial statement accepting all recommendations. We have appointed a programme manager and project team to lead the reform. Each recommendation contains sub-recommendations. This makes more than 40 recommendations. We are working with Defra to complete all of these.

Some recommendations can be achieved within the current legislation. We have already started working on these. Some recommendations will need changes to secondary legislation, or new secondary legislation. Others will need new primary legislation. The programme is working towards public consultation in 2023/24. After the consultation, the Government will work to develop legislative proposals, with a view to laying these before Parliament when Parliamentary time allows.

For recommendation 7, Defra commissioned the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) to write a report on the future supply of engineers. ICE published this in February 2023. The report contains 6 recommendations for actions to increase the capacity and number of engineers.

The reservoir reform programme will take several years. More information can be found in a policy paper published in April 2023. We are looking to engage with all stakeholders throughout the process. We welcome suggestions or comments. If you would like to be involved email

Table 11: recommendations we are taking forward

Recommendation Short description of recommendation Leading body
1 Divide high-risk reservoirs into 3 hazard classes a) More frequent inspection to be required for high hazard b) Thresholds between classes to be determined by the regulator in consultation c) Government should review threshold for high-risk designation Joint Defra/ Environment Agency
2 Strengthen regulation a) The regulator to raise awareness of duties and responsibilities b) The regulator to support owners in developing their capacity c) The regulator to charge for regulation (and incentivise good behaviours) d) The regulator to adjudicate disputes between engineers and owners Environment Agency
3 Introduce Reservoir Safety Management Plans (RSMPs) reflecting hazard class a) Owners should prepare RSMPs reflecting hazard class b) RSMPs should be kept as prescribed form of record c) Supervising engineer to review and certify annually; d) Owners to ensure competent staff (certified for higher hazard class) e) The regulator to produce guidance Joint Defra/ Environment Agency
4 Strengthen Supervising Engineer (SE) role a) SEs to engage in surveillance, review records, check RSMP delivery b) SEs to certify compliance with RSMP and approve RSMP for next year Joint Defra/Environment Agency
5 Strengthen Inspecting Engineer (IE) role a) IEs to identify potential failure modes as part of inspections b) IEs to require precautionary interim measures quickly if concerned c) IEs to produce risk assessment for higher hazard classes d) Clear timescales to be attached to MIOS e) Precautionary measures to make risk as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) if they compromise operation Joint Defra/ Environment Agency
6 Improve management of Measures in the Interest of Safety (MIOS) a) MIOS to be clearly indicated in IE reports b) Owner to appoint construction engineer for MIOS within 14 days c) Urgent MIOS to be completed asap and by specified completion date d) Certification issued on completion of MIOS to provide details e) RSMP amendments to be specified with required dates Environment Agency
7 Improve supply of future panel engineers (especially in light of small number of current engineers and ageing profile) Defra
8 Support career progression for panel engineers a) Revise designation of panels to introduce more responsibility tiers b) ICE to provide more support with training, mentoring, guidance Defra
9 Better knowledge sharing and learning for panel engineers a) The regulator to provide more access to learning for engineers b) The regulator to ensure lessons from incidents are more comprehensive c) The regulator to introduce reporting of near misses and anonymous reporting d) The regulator to update guidance for SEs, IEs and for risk assessments Environment Agency
10 Introduce risk assessments and manage reservoirs so risk is reduced to ‘ALARP’ a) Owners to manage risks to ALARP based on a risk assessment b) Risk assessment to be based on good practice (and informs RSMP) c) MIOS should ensure risks are both tolerable and ALARP d) If risk cannot be reduced to tolerable levels, decommission Joint Defra/ Environment Agency
11 Strengthen regulatory duties and powers a) The regulator and Defra to produce / commission a code of practice b) Expand regulatory duties to allow them to assure owners duties are fulfilled c) Expand regulatory duties to allow them to assure SE & IE reports & RSMPs d) Expand regulatory powers to challenge SE & IE reports, RSMPs e) Expand regulatory duties to spot check owners’ activities Environment Agency
12 Strengthen the regulators enforcement a) Full recovery of enforcement costs b) Expand the regulators powers to include fines c) Strengthen independence of EA regulator from role as operator Environment Agency
13 Climate change research a) current and b) future programme of research Environment Agency
14 Publication of data and transparency reports by the regulator Environment Agency
15 Review and update legislation and regulations (includes concern that current legislation is out-dated and inflexible for modern health and safety practices) Defra

9. Appendix 3: reservoir data and statistics

9.1 Dam category

Although not legally required, a reservoir construction or inspecting engineer should assign a dam category to a large raised reservoir as best practice. The category the engineer assigns depends on potential consequences of a dam breach. The dam category assigned is based on ICE guidance for reservoir flood spillway design and takes a risk-based approach to reservoir design and inspections.

Table 12: distribution of dam category as of 31 December 2022

Dam category Number of LRRs % of total number of LRRs
A 868 41.0%
B 369 17.4%
C 476 22.5%
D 206 9.7%
Not assigned 67 3.2%
Not known 131 6.2%
Total 2117 100%

In table 12 a:

  • category A dam is where a breach could endanger lives in a community
  • category B dam is where a breach could endanger lives not in a community or could result in extensive damage
  • category C dam is where a breach would pose negligible risk to life and cause limited damage
  • category D dam - special cases where no loss of life can be foreseen as a result of a breach and very limited additional flood damage would be caused
  • ‘not assigned’ case is where in some cases, engineers have not assigned a dam category yet. The majority of these are non-impounding and service reservoirs.

Before July 2013 engineers did not need to submit to us copies of section 10 reports that did not contain safety measures. The ‘not known’ category refers to where dam categories may not be available for some reservoirs. This category also includes reservoirs under construction where the dam category is yet to be determined. This number is reducing as we receive new reports.

Table 13: number and type of English large raised reservoirs from 31 March 2005 to 31 December 2022

Description 31 Mar 2005 30 Mar 2007 2 Apr 2009 5 Apr 2011 5 Apr 2013 2 Jan 2015 31 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2018 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2022
Total no. LRR 2005-2022 1715 1799 1889 1913 1944 2001 2020 2055 2097 2117
Number reservoirs under construction 2005-2022 93 99 102 115 131 167 145 118 133 130
No. abandoned reservoirs 2005-2022 not applicable 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 2 2
No. discontinued reservoirs 2005-2022 not applicable 175 191 210 219 225 235 253 262 271
No. proposed reservoirs 2005-2022 not applicable 14 19 37 47 59 64 78 76 79
Total no. undertakers 2005-2022 431 644 691 708 736 772 847 839 838 851
Total no. EA reservoirs 2005-2022 124 161 180 189 198 209 211 214 219 219

In Table 13:

  • LRRs are reservoirs that are in operation, abandoned, and under construction
  • under construction reservoirs - includes both new reservoirs and those being altered
  • abandoned reservoirs – although empty, an abandoned reservoir is still capable of holding at least 25,000 cubic metres of water above natural ground level
  • discontinued reservoirs – the discontinuance of a dam, requires an undertaker to reduce a reservoir’s capacity to a volume that is less than 25,000 cubic metres
  • proposed reservoirs - are locations at which a large raised reservoir may be constructed in the future
  • Environment Agency reservoirs - comprises those reservoirs that are in operation, abandoned, and under construction

Table 14: supervising engineer appointments

Description 31 Mar 2005 30 Mar 2007 2 Apr 2009 5 Apr 2011 5 Apr 2013 2 Jan 2015 31 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2018 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2022
Number of LRRs with no supervising engineer 44 40 6 4 10 8 8 3 5 2

In Table 14 the figures for 2020 do not include 10 LRRs which were awaiting risk designation.

Table 15: LRR inspections

Description 31 Mar 2005 30 Mar 2007 2 Apr 2009 5 Apr 2011 5 Apr 2013 2 Jan 2015 31 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2018 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2022
Number of LRRs for which the next section10 inspection (S10) report is overdue 115 166 138 46 12 76 91 105 70 69
Number of LRRs for which the next S10 inspection report is overdue, for which an inspection and report is underway Not applicable 129 134 45 0 62 78 97 67 65
Number of LRRs for which the next S10 inspection has been overdue for at least one year 51 29 64 10 0 14 11 12 6 11
Number of LRRs for which the next S10 inspection has been due for at least one year, for which an IE has NOT been appointed Not applicable 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 0
Number of LRRs for which the next S10 inspection has been due for less than one year for which an IE has NOT been appointed Not applicable Not applicable 1 1 12 14 9 8 2 4

In Table 15:

  • all high-risk reservoirs must be inspected periodically by an IE, at intervals no greater than 10 years
  • the figures may include reservoirs awaiting a risk designation

Table 16: measures to be taken in the interest of safety (MIOS)

Description 31 Mar 2005 30 Mar 2007 2 Apr 2009 5 Apr 2011 5 Apr 2013 2 Jan 2015 31 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2018 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2022
Number of LRRs with MIOS, including those within the ‘target period’ set by the IE 278 277 303 267 199 172 272 196 268 243
Number of LRRs with MIOS that are still outstanding even though the target period has elapsed Not applicable 49 40 41 35 36 57 49 65 56
Number of LRRs with MIOS for which there is no target date, but which have been outstanding for at least 5 years Not applicable 5 5 1 3 0 2 0 0 0

Measures in the interests of safety (MIOS) are essential works identified by an inspecting engineer during part of a section 10 inspection. The undertaker is legally required to implement MIOS.

The figures above for MIOS do not necessarily represent non-compliance. They represent the total number of reservoirs that have safety measures identified. Not all these safety measures are outstanding beyond their target date. The figures will vary according to how often engineers are identifying works that need doing at reservoirs - we have no control over this. It is not necessarily a figure to be concerned about unless the work is not done in time.

10. Appendix 4: steps taken by the enforcement authority to ensure that undertakers observe and comply with the requirements of the act

The Environment Agency refers to sections of the act in appendix 2.

The notices listed refer to:

  • section 8(1) ‘Powers of enforcement authority in event of non-compliance with requirements as to construction or enlargement of reservoirs’ – the offence is failure to appoint a construction engineer
  • section 10(7)(a) ‘Periodical inspection of large raised reservoirs’ – the offence is failure to appoint an inspecting engineer
  • section 10(7)(b) ‘Periodical inspection of large raised reservoirs’ – the offence is that the latest Section 10 report contains safety recommendations and a date by which these must be done and the work has not been done as required or by the date required
  • section 12A ‘flood plans: large raised reservoirs’ – this offence is that an undertaker has not provided a 12AA(3) certificate and 12AA(4) direction which is a legal requirement
  • section 12(4) ‘Supervision of large raised reservoirs’ – the offence is failure to appoint a supervising engineer
  • section 16(4) ‘Emergency powers’ – this notice tells the undertaker what measures we are taking in exercising our emergency powers
  • section 17(1)(e) ‘Powers of Entry’ – this notice authorises a person to enter the land relating to a reservoir on behalf of the Environment Agency
  • section 21A ‘Power to require information’ – this notice requires the undertaker to provide information specified in the notice within a specified timeframe

10.1 Data protection

The Environment Agency have listed those undertakers that are limited companies and public sector organisations. The Data Protection Act 1998 does not permit us to publish the names of private individuals - including partnerships and sole traders.

Abbey Farm Irrigation Reservoir

Undertaker: Witham Trading Group

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Abbey Farm Wetland

Undertaker: RSPB

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: United Utilities PLC

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Apex Lake (formerly N Hykeham Sailing lake)

Undertaker: Cemex UK Materials Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Back of Hall Reservoir

Undertaker: Billockby Farms Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Barden Lower

Undertaker: Yorkshire Water

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Barr Beacon

Undertaker: South Staffordshire Water Plc

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Bearwood Lake

Undertaker: The Reading Football Club Limited

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Beckerings Park Farm

Undertaker: Childerditch Hall Farm Nominees Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bedgebury Park Great Lake

Undertaker: Columbia International SA

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bedgebury Park Great Lake

Undertaker: Columbia International SA

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bedgebury Park Great Lake

Undertaker: Columbia International SA

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Belvoir Lower Lake

Undertaker: The Belvoir Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Belvoir Upper Lake

Undertaker: The Belvoir Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Berners Hall Farm

Undertaker: Essex Farms Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: section 10(7)(b) notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Biggin Fish Pond

Undertaker: Biggin Ltd

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Chorley Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Birtle Upper

Undertaker: Pinnacle Living 2 Ltd

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Black Park Lake

Undertaker: Buckinghamshire Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bladon Lake

Undertaker: Trustees of the Blenheim Parliamentary Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bootham Lane SRC Lagoons

Undertaker: FCC Environment (UK) Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bridge Farm Reservoir (Wickham Market)

Undertaker: Bridge and Ivy Farms Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Brine Reservoir, Wilton no. 4

Undertaker: Sabic UK Petrochemicals

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: section 10(7)(b) notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Bromfield Middle Pool

Undertaker: Trustees of the Plymouth Settled Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Bromfield Upper Pool

Undertaker: Trustees of the Plymouth Settled Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Brook Farm Lower

Undertaker: Brook Farms Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Butler’s Leap

Undertaker: Rugby Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Butley Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Capel St Andrew Farms

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Campbell Wharf (Newlands) Marina

Undertaker: Milton Keynes Parks Trust Ltd

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Canwell Estate Reservoir

Undertaker: Smith Brothers Farms Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Cartgate FSR

Undertaker: The Highways Agency Operations Directorate

Undertaker Type: other government agencies and departments

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Chalk Breck

Undertaker: D H Sanderson & Son Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Chalk Breck

Undertaker: D H Sanderson & Son Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

College Farm Reservoir, Duxford

Undertaker: Russell Smith Farms Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Colt Crag

Undertaker: Northumbrian Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Colton No.2

Undertaker: Honingham Farms Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: G S Haines and Sons Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Crowthorne Service reservoir (cells 3 & 4)

Undertaker: South East Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Dammerwick Farm (Old)

Undertaker: Strutt & Parker (Farms) Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Dammerwick New

Undertaker: Strutt & Parker (Farms) Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Damonts Farm

Undertaker: Strutt & Parker (Farms) Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Danson Park Lake

Undertaker: London Borough of Bexley

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Danson Park Lake

Undertaker: London Borough of Bexley

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Russell Smith Farms Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Digestate Reservoir No.1

Undertaker: Pretoria Energy Company (Mepal) Ltd

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: section 10(7)(a) notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Doe Hey Lower

Undertaker: Doe Hey Reservoir Company Limited

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Doe Hey Upper

Undertaker: Doe Hey Reservoir Company Limited

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: section 10(7)(b) notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Durham Warping Drain Lagoon

Undertaker: Black Drain Drainage Board

Undertaker Type: other government agencies and departments

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

East Hall Farm

Undertaker: Strutt & Parker (Farms) Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Eccleston Mere

Undertaker: Pheasant Equities Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Edgar Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Walsingham Estate Farming Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Etherow Country Park

Undertaker: Stockport Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: South East Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Tata Steel

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Factory Hill Reservoir

Undertaker: Wilkin & Sons Ltd

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Farlington No.6

Undertaker: Portsmouth Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Farlington No.7

Undertaker: Portsmouth Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Farlington No.8

Undertaker: Portsmouth Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Farlington No.9

Undertaker: Portsmouth Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Fleakingley Beck Reservoir

Undertaker: Leeds City Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 8(1)

Offence: failure to appoint a construction engineer

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Fleet Pond

Undertaker: Hart District Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Abbots Ripton Farming Company

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Friston Hall Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Blackheath Farms Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Gatcombe Water

Undertaker: Ede Holdings Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Gatwick Airport Flood Alleviation Pond

Undertaker: Gatwick Airport Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Garden Lake (Stourhead)

Undertaker: The National Trust

Undertaker Type: The National Trust

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: section 17(1)(e) notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Geary’s, Packington

Undertaker: Packington Estate Enterprises Ltd

Undertaker Type: other/unknown

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Great Barr

Undertaker: BCG Lakes Limited

Undertaker Type: limited company

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Great Island Pond

Undertaker: Longleat Estates

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Green Lane Reservoir

Undertaker: Heygate Farms Swaffham Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hainault Forest Lake

Undertaker: London Borough of Redbridge

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Half Mile Pond

Undertaker: Longleat Estates

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hall Pool, Packington

Undertaker: Packington Estate Enterprises Ltd

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hallington West

Undertaker: Northumbrian Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Hampton Lucy Irrigation Reservoir (Old Pasture Farm)

Undertaker: Valefresco

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hartleton Water (Lower Lake) (Drummonds Dub)

Undertaker: EC Drummond (Agriculture) Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Haslar Ocean Basin

Undertaker: QinetiQ Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Heapey No.1

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Heapey No. 1

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Heapey No. 2

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Heapey No. 2

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Heapey No. 2

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 21A

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Heapey No. 3

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Heapey No. 3

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Heapey No. 3

Undertaker: Wigan & District Angling Association

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: section 21A

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Heaton Park Boating Lake

Undertaker: Manchester City Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hemlington Lake

Undertaker: Middlesbrough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hewell Grange

Undertaker: HM Prison Service

Undertaker Type: other government agencies and departments

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

High Pond at Raby

Undertaker: Estate of 11th Baron Barnard (Deceased)

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

High Wood

Undertaker: Portsmouth Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hoads Hill No.3

Undertaker: Portsmouth Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Holland Wood

Undertaker: Abbots Ripton Farming Company

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Holly Lodge Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Home Farm (Nacton) Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Home Breck Farm Irrigation Reservoir

Undertaker: Black Agricultural Contracting Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Horsemoor Reservoir

Undertaker: Woburn Enterprises Ltd

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Hullgate Farm

Undertaker: South Pickenham Estate Company Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Iken Hall Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Iken Hall Farms

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Ingham Place Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Genevieve Farms

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Keens Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: The Benacre Company

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Lady’s Pond

Undertaker: The Church Commissioners for England

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Ladyseat Reservoir

Undertaker: BCN Wildlife Trust

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Leeds Castle Moat

Undertaker: Leeds Castle Foundation

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Little Braxted No.1

Undertaker: Kit Speakman (Braxted) Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Little Swinburne

Undertaker: Northumbrian Water

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Lodge Farm

Undertaker: Dudley Council, Canal & River Trust

Undertaker Type: local authority, private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Longmoor Lake

Undertaker: Wokingham Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Lower Cannop Pond

Undertaker: Forestry Commission

Undertaker Type: other government agencies and departments

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Makin Fisheries Lake No.1

Undertaker: Makins Fisheries Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Manns Walk Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Home Farm (Nacton) Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Margaretting Hall

Undertaker: Fristling Hall Farms Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Marsh Farm Bund (Ross-on-Wye FSR)

Undertaker: Herefordshire Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Marsh Leys Farm - Pond D2

Undertaker: Bedford Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Mells Park Lower Lake

Undertaker: The Trustees of the Mells Park Trust

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Melton Constable Lake

Undertaker: EF & GW Harrold Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Mill Street (Island Lodge)

Undertaker: Metropolitan Borough of Bury, Bury Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Mizzy Dam

Undertaker: The Earl of Derby’s Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Molands, Packington

Undertaker: Packington Estate Enterprises Ltd

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Mortfield Lodge

Undertaker: Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Mytchett Lake

Undertaker: Surrey County Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Newdale Brook Flood Detention Pond

Undertaker: Homes England

Undertaker Type: Other government agencies and departments

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Wakefield Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Orchardleigh Estates Limited

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Park Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: The Benacre Company

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Park Meadow, Packington

Undertaker: Packington Estate Enterprises Ltd

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Park Mill Pond

Undertaker: Haslemere Angling Society

Undertaker Type: recreational clubs and associations

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Park Pool, Weston Park

Undertaker: Trustees of the Western Park Foundation

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Park Reservoir

Undertaker: Curley’s Fisheries Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: South East Water

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Penwortham Mill Lodge

Undertaker: South Ribble Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Pioneer and Severalls Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: GS Shropshire & Sons Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Pools Farm Reservoir No.1

Undertaker: Trustees of the Plymouth Settled Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Pools Farm Reservoir No.2

Undertaker: Trustees of the Plymouth Settled Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Preston Storm Tank

Undertaker: United Utilities PLC

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reddish Vale

Undertaker: Stockport Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir A

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: private individual

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022:

Reservoir B

Undertaker: partnership

Undertaker Type: partnership

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022:

Reservoir C

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: private individual

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022:

Reservoir D

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: private individual

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir E

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: private individual

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022:

Reservoir F

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: private individual

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir G

Undertaker: joint undertaker with private individual

Undertaker Type: other

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir H

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir I

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker Type: private individual

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Ringwood Lake

Undertaker: Chesterfield Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Rivelin Upper

Undertaker: Yorkshire Water Services Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

River Park Pond

Undertaker: Leconfield Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

River Wang Marshes

Undertaker: Suffolk Wildlife Trust Limited

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Rivington Upper

Undertaker: United Utilities PLC

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Rotherdale Digestate Storage Facility

Undertaker: Springhill Farms (Pershore) Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Rutlands Farm Winter Storage Reservoir

Undertaker: Elveden Farms Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Northumbrian Water

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Shavers End No. 2

Undertaker: South Staffordshire Water Plc

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Shearwater Lake

Undertaker: Longleat Estates

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Sotterley Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Sotterley Farms Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

South Norwood

Undertaker: Croydon Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

South Perrott Reservoir

Undertaker: Environment Agency

Undertaker Type: environment agency

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Regulatory action: letter of warning sent

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

South Pickenham

Undertaker: The South Pickenham Estate Company Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(a)

Offence: failure to appoint an inspecting engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Spout Lane Lagoon

Undertaker: Heathrow Airport Holdings Ltd

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Stoke Park Lower Lake

Undertaker: Slough Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Stowe Landscape Gardens, Octagon Lake

Undertaker: The National Trust

Undertaker Type: The National Trust

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Sutton Hoo New

Undertaker: Sutton Hoo Produce Ltd

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Tabley Mere

Undertaker: The Crown Estate

Undertaker Type: other government agencies and departments

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Thurstonfield Lough

Undertaker: The Tranquil Otter Limited

Undertaker Type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Tidal Hill Farm Reservoir

Undertaker: Westrope Farming Limited

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Trent Park Lake

Undertaker: London Borough of Enfield

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Trimley Marshes

Undertaker: Suffolk Wildlife Trust Limited

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Northumbrian Water Ltd

Undertaker Type: water companies

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Upper Green Hows Tarn

Undertaker: Trustees of the Graythwaite Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Upton North (Phase 1 & 2)

Undertaker: West Northamptonshire Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Upton South (Phase 3)

Undertaker: West Northamptonshire Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Valentines Park Lake

Undertaker: London Borough of Redbridge

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Valley Farm Boyton

Undertaker: Capel St Andrew Farms

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Vann Lake

Undertaker: Surrey Wildlife Trust

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

White Man’s Dam

Undertaker: The Earl of Derby’s Estate

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Williamthorpe Lagoon

Undertaker: Derbyshire County Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant


Undertaker: Withins Reservoir Limited

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Woburn Road Wetlands - Pond E (Bell Farm Pond E)

Undertaker: Bedford Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12(4)

Offence: failure to appoint a supervising engineer

Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Woburn Road Wetlands - Pond E (Bell Farm Pond E)

Undertaker: Bedford Borough Council

Undertaker Type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Wolsey Creek Marshes

Undertaker: Suffolk Wildlife Trust Limited

Undertaker Type: registered charity

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Wood Lane Reservoir

Undertaker: The Benacre Company

Undertaker Type: farms

Relevant section of the act: 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Zen Reservoir (Courtauld Road)

Undertaker: Lime Property Fund (General Partner) Limited

Undertaker Type: private landowners and trusts

Relevant section of the act: 12A

Offence: failure to submit onsite flood plan certificates by deadline

Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

10.2 Update on other third party non-compliant cases in England in appendix 1 of our 2019 to 2020 biennial report

Barcombe - Lewes, East Sussex

Undertaker: South East Water Limited

Undertaker type: water company

Relevant section of act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by the due date

Enforcement outcome: under investigation

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant

Overstone Park Lake - Northampton

Undertaker: Overstone Park Limited

Undertaker type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Other Enforcement action: advice and guidance

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir F - Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Undertaker: private individual

Undertaker type: private individual

Relevant section of act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Enforcement outcome: warning letter issued

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Reservoir J - Potton, Bedfordshire (Vicarage fm)

Undertaker: private individuals.

Undertaker type: private landowners and trusts.

Relevant section of act: section 10(7)(b) and section 16(4).

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by due date.

Enforcement outcome: Undertaker to discontinue reservoir

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant; offline reservoir which cannot currently be filled. Discontinuance incomplete.

Slade Brook Balancing Pond - Kettering, Northamptonshire

Undertaker: Kettering Borough Council

Undertaker type: local authority

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to complete safety measures by deadline

Other Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: compliant

Sun Paper Mill - Blackburn, Lancashire

Undertaker: Blackburn Waterside Regeneration Limited

Undertaker type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by the due date

Other Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: works underway to discontinue the reservoir

Ward’s/Blue Lagoon - Blackburn, Lancashire

Undertaker: Blue Lagoon Heritage Limited

Undertaker type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: section 10(7)(b)

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by the due date

Other Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant, actions taken by the enforcement authority to make reservoir safe

Ward’s/Blue Lagoon - Blackburn, Lancashire

Undertaker: Blue Lagoon Heritage Limited

Undertaker type: industrial and commercial

Relevant section of the act: section 16(4)

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by the due date

Other Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant, actions taken by the enforcement authority to make reservoir safe

Ward’s/Blue Lagoon - Blackburn, Lancashire

Undertaker: Blue Lagoon Heritage Limited.

Undertaker type: industrial and commercial.

Relevant section of the act: section 17(1)(e)

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by the due date

Other Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant, actions taken by the enforcement authority to make reservoir safe

Ward’s/Blue Lagoon - Blackburn, Lancashire

Undertaker: Blue Lagoon Heritage Limited.

Undertaker type: industrial and commercial.

Relevant section of the act: section 21A

Offence: failure to carry safety measures into effect by the due date

Other Enforcement action: notice served

Compliance status on 31 December 2022: non-compliant, actions taken by the enforcement authority to make reservoir safe