Whooping cough: vaccination in pregnancy programme resources
Information leaflet and poster to support the whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy programme.
Applies to England
The leaflet provides in-depth information on:
- why the vaccine is needed
- how maternal pertussis vaccination helps to protect babies from whooping cough
- when expectant mothers can have the vaccine
- vaccine safety and efficacy.
The poster has been designed to promote the need for maternal pertussis vaccination which is now recommended from week 16 of each pregnancy. It is suitable for GP surgeries, hospitals, maternity units, nurseries, child care centres and libraries.
The leaflet (product code 24WCPEN) and poster (product code 24WCP01) are available to order:
Health publications orderline
Immunisation Publications
UK Health Security Agency, 61 Colindale Avenue, Colindale
Contact form https://www.healthpubl...
Telephone: 0300 123 1002
Copies of printed publications and the full range of digital resources to support the immunisation programmes can now be ordered and downloaded online. Log in to register and place your order.
Further programme information
Further information and a training slide set for healthcare practitioners is available.
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect change in vaccine to ADACEL from 1 July.
Added text version of leaflet and rebranded leaflet and poster.
Added new poster for vaccination from 16 weeks.
Revised to include more detail about the pertussis vaccine and eligibility.
Revised leaflet and poster supporting the whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy programme.
Added URLs of 'vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough) for pregnant women programme page' and 'whooping cough vaccination programme for pregnant women: extension to 2014 letter'.
Whooping Cough and Pregnancy: 'Your Questions Answered on How to Help Protect Your Baby leaflet' and 'What You Need to Know and Do to Help Protect Your Baby flyer' updated with the latest information about the incidence of the disease (both dated 2014 to distinguish from the previous editions)
First published.