Policy paper

The Home Office response to the ICIBI report 'Country of origin information' (accessible version)

Published 20 July 2020

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government


The Home Office thanks the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) for this report, as well as the Independent Advisory Group on Country Information (IAGCI) and the individual reviewers for the positive overall nature of the reviews and the constructive comments and feedback to enable further improvement.

Response to Recommendations

Recommendation 1

1. The Home Office should:

Ensure it has the means to track hyperlinks to guidance embedded within other guidance documents, including Country of Origin Information, so that these continue to function or are replaced when the hyperlinked guidance is amended.

1.1 Accepted.

1.2 The Home Office understands that this recommendation relates to hyperlinks to other Home Office guidance documents and accepts the recommendation.

1.3 We acknowledge that it is important that hyperlinks to other Home Office guidance embedded in our Country Policy and Information Notes (CPINs) take the reader to the correct and current information. To ensure the continuing functionality of the links we will either track and/or ask other business areas notify us when they made changes to, or move, their guidance. We will then replace the links and republish any CPINs as required.

However, we cannot guarantee this will work 100% of the time.

1.4 The recommendation does not relate to hyperlinks to external web pages. However, we wish to make clear that, although every effort is made to ensure that our links to external material quoted within our CPINs are functioning at time of publication, with sometimes over 100 links per report, it is not practical for us to continue to ensure they work during the publication life of the document. Full information is provided about the source quoted so the reader should be able to trace the information if the link should break.


Recommendation HO Response
1. Ensure it has the means to track hyperlinks to guidance embedded within other guidance documents, including Country of Origin Information, so that these continue to function or are replaced when the hyperlinked guidance is amended. Accepted