Policy paper
Response to the operation of the terrorism acts in 2019 report
The government response to the annual report on the operation of the terrorism acts in 2019 by the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation.
This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-3110-5, E02700282, CP 623
PDF, 211 KB, 20 pages
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Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-3110-5, E02700282, CP 623
PDF, 1.83 MB, 20 pages
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This is the government’s response to the annual report on the operation of the terrorism acts in 2019 by Jonathan Hall QC, the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation.
The Independent Reviewer is responsible for monitoring the operation of UK counter-terrorism legislation to assess its fairness, effectiveness, and proportionality.
The government response addresses the following topics that were covered in the report:
- threat picture
- terrorist groups
- terrorist investigations
- arrest and detention
- ports and borders
- terrorism trials and sentencing
- civil powers
- Scotland and Northern Ireland
- statistics
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Published 24 February 2022