Transparency data

First NPCC response to recommendations: Centre for Women’s Justice super-complaint

Updated 18 September 2024

Applies to England and Wales

Letter information:

From: Martin Hewitt QPM, Chair, National Police Chiefs’ Council

To: Iain Raphael, Assistant Chief Constable, Operational Standards College of Policing

Sent on: 5 September 2022

Dear Iain,

RE: Recommendations for the NPCC and chief constables in super-complaint investigation report concerning police perpetrated domestic abuse – Update.

Following your letter dated the 16th June detailing the recommendations being made in relation to the super complaint made by the Centre for Women’s Justice (Police perpetrated domestic abuse), I write to update you with regards to whether forces accept the recommendations made.

Having reviewed the report and the recommendations at length, we made a decision to reach out to all forces, not just those within England and Wales/Home Office forces. I am pleased to say that we have received responses from each Home Office force and in addition, PSNI and BTP (45 in total), all of which accept the three recommendations contained within the report.

As requested, we will continue to collate updates on force’s progress with a view to providing a final update/report to you by the 30th December 2022.