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Responses to The hidden victims: Report on Hestia’s super-complaint on the police response to victims of modern slavery

Responses from bodies subject to recommendations and actions in the report on Hestia’s super-complaint on the police response to victims of modern slavery

Applies to England and Northern Ireland


APCC response Hestia

NPCC response Hestia


In May 2021 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS), the College of Policing and the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) published a report in response to the super-complaint submitted by Hestia about the police response to victims of modern slavery.

The report made recommendations to chief constables, police and crime commissioners and the Home Office. The report also included actions for HMICFRS and the College of Policing regarding their own work. The details of these recommendations and actions are listed in Section 4 of The hidden victims.

Information on the responses to these recommendations is provided below.

College of Policing

Action 1

The action was for the College of Policing to ‘review and update its Authorised Professional Practice Major investigations and public protection on modern slavery as soon as possible and amend relevant content in other guidance as part of its regular updating processes’.

The Modern Slavery Authorised Professional Practice is being updated as part of the College of Policing’s regular maintenance programme and revisions will be published later this year (2022).


Action 2

The action for HMICFRS was to ‘consider how inspection activity can be used to further promote improvements in the investigation of modern slavery cases’.

During its planning cycle HMICFRS will review whether inspection activity and/or monitoring should be undertaken to consider how issues raised in this super-complaint are being addressed by forces. Any proposed inspection activity would be subject to Home Office funding.

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Published 4 April 2022

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